Seth unconsciously rolled his eyes before focusing on explaining the MRI results to Brad. "Amanda plays basketball though her parents are not fully aware of this fact, she fell and hit her head on hard concrete. According to these results there's a bruise on her brain that has been causing some swelling and hematoma. She also has a skull fracture but this should be from a previous fall when she was still a neonate."

Dr. Brad was impressed with Seth's newly found information and research work. "I have a place for you in my specialty, you know that right Dr. Mickelson?"

"I just need some time." Seth muttered not missing the daggers being thrown his way by an over scrutinizing and unbearably hot stranger.

"Take all the time you need." Brad advised though he wished to have the young resident in his OR of course. Brad wanted Seth in neurosurgery, after all he possessed the qualities of an ideal neurosurgeon. He couldn't force him to specialize though he was still keeping his fingers tightly crossed. Seth always said the brain fascinated him during open surgeries; it had to count to something, right?

As Seth was about to leave, Brad remembered to introduce the two men who were secretly glaring at each other. "Dr. Mickelson, this is Dr. Leonardo Bravucci," He said pointing at the Italian whose face remained completely stoic and expressionless. "Our new chief of surgery and head of cardio."

A pause then, "Dr. Bravucci, this is Dr. Seth Mickelson, one of our brilliant residents from Oxford."

Seth wasn't particularly paying attention.

Oh my God! The man is your boss! Good job Seth, now you've managed to screw yourself irrevocably over. Just great!

Seth remained silent with his lips pressed together. He took his precious time drinking in the older man. Three nights ago everything was super rushed he'd barely allowed himself to really look. He hadn't gotten the chance to analyze but now that he was...

Leonardo was a walking cliché of a villain from those soap operas. He probably had a driver's license that could be hung in the Louvre. Seth always respected another man's grind and he had to admit, those  frequent visits to the gym were clearly paying off for the guy.

Disgustingly gorgeous, that's what he was and the last thing Seth should've been thinking about was Leonardo's tousled dark onyx hair long enough to run fingers inside and to clutch on during a heated kiss.

Those dark eyebrows which furrowed into a serious expression made the man look enigmatic. Mysteryan attractive feature you could ever find on a male. In short, Seth could only describe his new boss as a walking temptation.

Walk away right, run the fuck away from this temptation if you know what's good for you.

Thank God Seth remembered to extent his right hand which was formerly tucked inside his scrubs pocket for a perfunctory hand shake. For some reason, Leonardo just had to squeeze the resident's hand making him slightly whimper.

A whimper. Jesus.

Leonardo was a whole friction to Seth's type of men. But now that he had tasted him, he wanted more. Maybe he could pin me on this desk and pound me from—

Oh for God's sake stop thinking about him like that! He's your freaking boss. Get that in your head.

There was something electrifying about Leonardo though, his confidence had Seth's body blazing in a fiery flame. Seth chose not to say anything because at this point in time he did not trust himself with words. The last thing he wanted to do was giving Dr. Brad a heart attack because of his none subtle slutty behavior.

"I hope we'll work together in peace and harmony." Leonardo said in his professional voice.

That's going to be very—very hard. 

The resident's gaze slid sideways. He could feel the older man's intense stare burning him down to ashes and he couldn't keep up with him. He was now peculiarly conscious of the Italian man standing a few inches in front of him. Seth felt exposed, on display for everyone to see and judge him accordingly.

"Yes Dr. Bravu—" Seth's reply was rudely interrupted by an intercom blaring Dr. Brad's presence in fifth floor who then immediately ducked out of the office leaving the two other men almost in stalemate.

Leonardo shot Seth a raised brow as if he was giving him the platform to finish off his statement.

So he did, "Of course Dr. Bravucci."

The older man's lips twitched into a torturous smile as if daring Seth's sexual arousal and desire. What the hell is happening to me? Since when can I not handle a guy? He's not just a guy—the same guy who blew you is now your boss dammit!

"So, you're Dr. Mickelson." It wasn't a question and that made Seth tense up.

"The last time I checked." He calmly replied despite his heart beating ferociously inside his chest.

Leonardo looked like he was pondering for a second. "I hope one drunken blow job won't be a problem between us. We're both grownups, aren't we, Dr. Mickelson?"

Seth stiffly nodded. "It won't be a problem."

"Good, because grownups don't run from situations even if they're uncomfortable."

It sounded like a jab for Seth's refusal to spend the night with him. But Seth didn't have any means to confirm the theory lingering inside his head. "Right." He his voice sounded strained. "I'll be on my way now."

"Don't make me stop you from doing your designated job, Dr. Mickelson."

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