"Daddy! Where are you going?" cheered Aulia. She saw her father carrying luggage and getting ready to open the door of the house. Aulia did not understand what was happening.

There was no answer from her father. He only stopped for a moment when he heard Aulia's voice, however, he still opened the door and left the house. There was deep pain in Aulia's heart. It feels very devastating.

The light felt dazzling, Aulia woke up from her deep sleep. Today is Sunday. No class. She closed her eyes again and remembered the dream. A dream she had repeatedly had since the people she loved left her. I don't know how many there are now. She didn't want to count them because she didn't want to remember them either.

The sadness still lingers as it reminds her about the dream. Tears gathered but she tried to hold back the drops. She again tried to comfort and calm herself with the sound of the piano playing on her cellphone. Terrace Wind by Haneda Ryoko. The sound of the piano playing in different tones continued until the song calmed her mind and her feelings moved away from her old sadness.

The aroma of wine wafted back. Every day, she was never free from this scent. Of course, it's because Grandpa sells wine down there. But this aroma couldn't distract her from feeling bored with her current position. This comfort made her feel like closing her eyes again - falling asleep without dreaming of anything. Don't want her to dream of her past coming back. She wants to leave her past behind but it continues to haunt her through dreams. She could never forget the painful departure of her parents.

The song has also changed to the Truth that You Leave by Pianoboy. Unfortunately, her stomach starts crying out to be filled but she has no desire to fill it. Is it better to leave it alone? Aulia doesn't want to feel all this anymore.

It's all over.. yes.. it's all over. The girl kept mumbling to divert her mind from the nightmare earlier. Because her stomach couldn't stand waiting for food, she got up from her position and left the room to get the food that was available. Bread along with mushroom soup is available on the table. While she was enjoying the soup and bread, Carole offered cookies that had just been made and were ready to be sold along with the wine that Aloys was selling. Carole's cookies are cookies that are quite famous in the area because of their delicious and unique taste. The recipe was obtained when Carole was still young.

"How many cookies do you want?" asked Carole.

" One, please."

Carole left one of the cookies on a small plate near the soup. Aulia was just silent and didn't seem to really care about all that. Aloys and Carole were also familiar with the way Aulia responded to them. Since the departure of her mother and father who ran away from reality, Aulia changed drastically to become like this coupled with their carelessness at that time. Aloys and Carole also don't know how to help Aulia recover from all of that. They also realized that since that incident, Aulia had no friends. She was always alone and didn't want to get close to anyone. The environment that once looked very cheerful turned gloomy in an instant.

After eating, Aulia went back into the room to get her things and rushed out of the house. She wanted to go back to enjoying the comfort of sitting on the tree branch again.


The sound of footsteps could be heard in the stairwell. Someone was stepping down to see Aulia's condition. In his mind they wanted to decide not to see Aulia again but the heart cheered to see her again. The deepest feeling of longing continues to cheer. Victor only dared to watch Aulia from a distance. He didn't want to make Aulia hate him.

He looked for the mysterious girl's whereabouts from a distance. His gaze continued to penetrate Aulia's classroom window. The girl hasn't been found yet. Victor became worried about Aulia. Is he sick? Or fell while climbing a tree? He doesn't know why he doesn't feel good right now. It's like something happened to Aulia. Is this just feeling? Victor didn't know why he felt uneasy just because he couldn't see Aulia right now.

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