Part 7

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A progress in their relationship is increasingly visible. Aulia never rejected Victor again. This man was starting to feel happy with the progress in their relationship. He began to realize his feelings that he had questioned before. Who is Aulia in his heart and why is he willing to spend his time just looking at this girl's face.

              Sitting under this tree and listening to music was very comfortable for Aulia but it was not comparable to the comfort she felt when sitting on the tree branch. Aulia knew that her leg had not yet fully recovered. Can't stand evenly, let alone jump. But there was no longer the feeling of wanting to be alone and hide from this annoying boy next to her. She didn't understand why she couldn't feel bothered by this boy's presence anymore.

              Suddenly, Victor asked, "What song are you listening to?"

              Without answering, Aulia just handed Victor one of the earphones. Victor's hand moved to receive it. He became curious about what kind of songs Aulia always listened to every day. Every time he saw Aulia in this place, Aulia would definitely be listening to music. He also wanted to know what kind of song Aulia really enjoyed.

              The piano sounds beautiful. From different notes to other notes gives birth to a delicious song. Victor doesn't know the title of this song. He just peeked at Aulia's cell phone screen which was lying on the grass. Maybe by Yiruma. He didn't really understand why Aulia liked songs like this. He was familiar with the name Yiruma but he had never heard this song. Is this an old song? He realized that he had never followed at all. Entering the world of instrumental piano is not the world he was used to entering as a child. Especially playing the piano. He is not very talented with music. If he tried to describe what he felt when he heard it, it felt a little disturbing from the song but he also felt bored. If I try listening more often, will I get used to hearing songs like this?

              The piano chimes continued. But now it's not just one person who hears it. Aulia shares earphones with Victor to listen to songs together. It all started with Victor's curiosity about the songs that Aulia always listened to every day. What kind of song is it? Why does he look like he's enjoying it so much?

              Victor thought about the question by looking at Aulia's face. Aulia leaned against her usual tree but she no longer sat on the tree branch because her legs had not fully recovered. They sat under the tree. Victor also leaned against the tree.

              "Aulia..." Following the strains of the song, Victor remembered an incident. He didn't know what this song had to do with those memories. Is this what people feel when they hear a mellow instrumental song like this song? He didn't understand either.

              "Hmm?" Aulia only answered with a mumble. The answer that came from the mysterious girl made Victor even happier. He was no longer left behind like before. He also began to enjoy the song more and more which had changed to a song entitled Memories in My Eyes by Yiruma.

              I don't know what made Victor want to do it. He wanted to tell an incident from his childhood. When he remembers those memories, he feels sorry for himself again.

              "I have a sibling. He is six years younger than me. Our age gap is too far. That's why I barely played with her when I was little. Suddenly a hit-and-run accident happened to her when I was twelve years old. Her life was saved but she became disabled for life by using a wheelchair. What I regret is, every time she takes part in a ballet dancing competition or concert, I leave her to my own busy schedule. Until now, I want to turn back time to see her dance again."

              Aulia was just silent hearing the story and the playing of the piano at the same time. She stared at another tree with a blank gaze. Her mind wandered to who knows what. Likewise with Victor. He just stared at the same tree as Aulia with his mind unable to shift from worrying about his mother. Is she okay now?

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