✖ 07; 1DragonKing

284 19 5

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Follow the rules or make a little girl cry!

I do not own any of the pictures/resources.


Message To: 1DragonKing 

Yay! You came back ^_^

When I made this I was really scared of spelling Kaleidoscope wrong. That was my number one worry XD 

So pixlr ABSOLUTELY REFUSED to let me save it onto my laptop. I had to take an actual screenshot of my work to save it. So the cover isn't the size of 512 x 800 (which is the recommended size) but about two times smaller. There is a chance that it may come out blurry or unclear or something. I will be more than happy to make you a new cover if this happens.

I am pissed off with pixlr. It was my goto software ;u;

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