✚ FAQ [updated jan 6]

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◣  What software do you use to make your covers? ◥

Sometimes I use Photoshop, but since that works so slowly I also work with Pixlr, which is basically like a online web version of Photoshop. It's also free so if you ever want to edit anything go try it!

Just a tip, if you are working from the browser Safari and try to save it onto your laptop/computer, it won't save. Pixlr is not compatible with Safari. I learned that the hard and frustrating way.

◣ How do you complete your requests so quickly? ◥

Most of the time I already have pictures/textures/etc. already saved onto my laptop so I just need to brainstorm ideas and put the whole thing together. I'm also very familar with the programs.

◣         Why can't we just comment our forms?          ◥ 

This way is the most easiest for me to work. I can access them easily and keep track easily. Everytime a form is filled out, I get sent a email. Once I'm finished, I can just delete the email and not worry about it.

Even if I delete the email, your form will still be stored on my jotform account. Just in case anything happens to my email, there is a backup and stuff. Plus, with how glitchy Wattpad is acting, I don't trust it with anything, aka the comments section.

◣ What if we don't want any specific characters on our covers or objects? ◥

In the characters spot on the form, please describe whatever you want. Like say you want a picture of a beach, mistletoe, stuff like that. Or maybe you want a picture of a girl standing in the rain anything. Just try your best to explain it to me. 

Also, it's okay to give me a link of the picture and I'll try to fit it in. 


◣  When will we know you're doing our cover and if it's accepted or not?  ◥

This is a reallllly wonderful question. I didn't realize before, but you guys are pretty much left in the dark with no clue! I feel ashamed of myself. Starting now, I will message you when I recieve your request, start the cover, and if I declined your request or not. 

✚ That's all the questions. If you got anymore comment them down please!


❝Cupcake Graphic Shop❞ // hiatusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora