Chapter Twelve

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The day hadn't gotten any cooler when Gally had found out the boys went exploring in the maze. Gally had called for council meeting even though Minho, Zart and Frypan weren't here. I wasn't the one who told him, but I told Minho if he found out then I would keep my word. A bunch of Gladers waited outside the Homestead as the remaining keepers awkwardly sat inside until the five rebels flew through the door.

Newt held the strange, slime covered contraption that they had found inside the griever. The round metal piece had a red "7" blinking on it, none of us knew what it meant.

"That was inside a griever," Thomas said pointing to the thing in Newt's hands.

"These are the same letters we get in our supplies." Newt observed the object, rotaing it around in his grasp.

"Yeah. Whoever put us here obviously made the grievers. This is the first real clue, the first anything, you've found in three years. Right, Minho?" Thomas exclaimed.

"Right." Minho agreed quietly.

Thomas was quick to go back to convincing Newt, "Newt, we gotta go back out there. Who knows where this might lead us."

Thomas had no business ordering the Glade around. Just a few days ago, this shank couldn't even remember his name, but now he thought he was the one in charge. Even being second in charge, Newt was too compassionate to punish him. So, I thought I'd take authority and do something about it, "Let me get something straight," I blurted, breaking the strong tension in the room,

"First, you run out into the maze trying to be all heroic and kill a griever. Then, take three more kids who aren't supposed to be in the maze to go exploring after we already said we'd punish you! And you expect us to praise you?" Until Newt came to his senses, the pot of anger boiling inside me wouldn't settle. Minho glanced at me in shock, like I was being a hypocrite. I had promised him that if their crew were to get caught, I wouldn't defend them. Plus, they had proudly waltzed into this predicament themselves.

Gally stepped forward, getting his two-bits in, "Exactly. Like Marty said, first he breaks our rules, and then he tried to convince us to abandon them totally. The rules are the only thing that have held us together, why now are we questioning that?" With each word, everyone could feel the frustration rising in his throat, "If Alby were here you know he'd agree with us. This shank needs to be punished."

Newt paused a moment before speaking. Usually he takes everyone's opinion into account, but right now I wasn't sure if he was even paying attention to us, "You're right. Thomas broke the rules. One night in the pit with no food."

"Oh come on, Newt!" Gally yelled throwing his hands up in the air.

I let out a hard scoff, making sure everyone could hear my bitterness, "Do you really  think one night in the pit will teach him a lesson." I crossed my arms, awaiting Newt's answer.

"No," he stated sternly, "but we can't just have non-runners going into the maze whenever they feel like it." He took a glance around the room, and paused on Thomas who he was favouring, "So let's just make this official. Starting from tomorrow, you're a runner." I threw my hands up as well, even more frustrated than I was before. Once again, Thomas had won, and his stupid actions were ruining our once stable society.

Gally and I shared our resentment, "Wow." he dismissed.

"Gally..." Frypan said, reaching out to him.

Gally waved his arm away, "Nah, Fry." With that, he stormed out of the Homestead, Frypan following suit.

My teeth ached from gritting them together so hard. I could feel hot-acidic betrayal rising up from my feet. I stepped towards Newt getting in his face, but he didn't flinch. He stood, back strong and sturdy against one of the Homestead pillars, "You're not off the hook either." I threatened, then climbed up the stone steps and outside the Homestead walls. I could feel all of their beady little eyes sting my back as I walked away, embarrassed that Thomas had succeeded.

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