Chapter 63. Decision

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Sorry for the no chapter last week. With it being the 4th of July, I was with family. Also, you'll have to be a bit forgiving with this chapter as I am not familiar with the court system, in America or Japan, and have a very basic knowledge of the law.

          Previously On "Man Made"

          2 days prior, the same day (Y/n) had met with (M/n). After they had left, the kids that had been antagonizing Funai had left him alone. He was feeling good about himself. Suffice to say, this was a day he would never forget and (Y/n) was a name he would always remember. As he was running around the playground, admiring the red colors that laced his knuckles from punching his bully, he failed to notice the person that was coming up from behind him.


          Back in current time, after the final remnant of Contrast faded away, when (Y/n) faded into normal unconsciousness, Kagawa's view shifted to the normal road of memories that she always saw. To put it lightly, what she saw was horrifying. When she had seen all that she had agreed to see, being sure to stop at the moment he jumped off of a building, she deactivated her quirk. When she regained focus on reality, she let tears fall from her eyes.


          "What the hell was that, (Y/n)?! I don't get flustered normally, but it was really hard to not lose composure back there. She leaned right into me. Why did I even offer? I would never have done that for anyone else. Why is Daichi any different?" (Y/n) tried to rationalize, unable to find an answer.


3rd Person P.O.V. Following Nezu, Raya Inui, and Maya Kagawa

          We open to today met with the sight of the courtroom. It is officially the day with which the trial for custody of the young villain. For safety concerns, it was determined by the court in advance that (Y/n) himself would not be in the court. Due to his status as a villain, he would not be assigned a Guardian Ad Lidem to represent him, so this battle truly was U.A. versus (L/n) (M/n). The most unique thing about this court was the legality of quirks to gather evidence and present evidence, 1 of the 3 main reasons as to why U.A. is confident they will win.

          Amidst the room, people were whispering amongst themselves, wondering when it would start, curious as to how this case would be settled. This would be the case all up until the sound of the gavel drew everyone's attention. It was time to start.

          "All rise." The bailiff declared. She was a woman who looked normal, dressed according to her position.

          In response, all present in the room, that were able to, stood up. The bailiff walked up to the judge.

          "We are in Ms. Akagi Rin's court room. Ms. Akagi, today we have U.A vs (L/n). This is a custody battle for (L/n) (Y/n), otherwise known as the villain Nadir." the bailiff announced, bringing a file to the judge with all the basic information of the case.

          This was good for the U.A. representatives. Akagi was one of the few judges who kept it fair. She looked at the objective facts, and made a decision.

          "Thank you, Ms. Matsuo. Everyone, please be seated." Akagi acknowledged, then oredered.

          Everyone followed suit. 

          "Alright, then. Before proceeding, I will refer to the subject as eitehr (Y/n) or Nadir for the sake of avoiding confrontation. I think I understand the situation as it is, right now. Currently, (Y/n) resides with U.A. High School. This was done as a police order at your request, Ms. Nezu. He was placed into Class 1A with Hero Course students. Am I wrong thus far?" Akagi explained, then asked the U.A. side of things

Man Made (Male Villain Reader x Fem!BNHA)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat