Chapter 2. Joining

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          Previously on "Man Made"

          And so (Y/n) made his way to the rooftop of the school, looked down and after about a minute of hesitation, he jumped. And as he approached the ground he slowly accepted his fate.

         That was until a black mist opened up beneath him as he was descending. being unable to see in his new environment he only heard on sentence.

         "Welcome to the League of Villains hideout." a raspy feminine voice called out.


3rd Person P.O.V. Following (Y/n)

          "What the hell happened?" (Y/n) asked himself as in the current moment, he was confused.

         "I had jumped off of a building and then suddenly I'm here." he thought to himself, trying to understand the situation

         As he continued to think he was interrupted by a same voice that welcomed him here catching his attention.

         "Oi, can you hear me?" she questioned with a bit of a sharp edge to her words.

         As he turned to the voice he had noticed a woman dressed in all black. she had short blue hair and what looked like red eyes. However, the most notable thing about how she was dressed were the severed hands all over her body. (Y/n) had noticed that she was a little taller than the  average woman.

         "W-who are you?" (Y/n) questioned fearfully as he had no idea who this person was or what they wanted.

         "That doesn't matter right now. There's someone who would like to meet you. Follow me." she spoke leaving no room to question her command.

         (Y/n) hesitated for a moment before ultimately caving and fallowing the mysterious woman. He had determined that something could happen to him if he didn't and so he chose the safest option for himself at the time. As (Y/n) and the woman were walking, (Y/n) took the time to gather information on the woman. He had noticed her pale skin, and for a moment quite unusual for him, he'd taken note that the woman was fairly curvy. aside from a few physical details, he couldn't find much, certainly nothing that would help him in this situation.

         "We're here." spoke the woman as she suddenly stopped walking, causing (Y/n) to almost bump into her had he not quickly stopped himself.

         "Go inside. Sensei wants to talk with you." she commanded as she opened the door.

         The sight behind the door was nigh impossible to see. The room so dimly lit with the only light being the screens behind the silhouette of a person, who from what he could tell, was incredibly tall.

         As the woman with hands walked away, (Y/n) walked into the room, immediately regretting his decision as the very moment he crossed the door, he felt the overwhelming aura of death. He knew being here was incredibly dangerous and the person before him, even more so. One mistake and he's gone.

          "Tell me (Y/n), do you believe in fate?" the woman in the room asked calmly, however to (Y/n), each word was as heavy as the world sitting on his chest.

         (Y/n) hesitated for but a moment, as his thoughts went into overdrive. He determined the best course of action was to answer the woman's questions as honestly as possible.

         "Fate? Can't say I do" He answered honestly. The woman seemed amused at this response.

         "Oh? and why is that?" she asked, amused as the answer was most certainly not what she was expecting.

         "Because fate would imply that I can't make my own decisions. Fate would say I have no control and I simply reject the notion." (Y/n) said, free of hesitation. The answer was so ingrained in, him he need not think to answer.

         The woman smirked before continuing the conversation. Though, suffice to say, she was quite surprised by both the boys answer and lack of hesitation to her 2nd question.

         "I see. You know, I quite like that answer, but regardless of your answer, the offer I had brought you here for would still come" she spoke to the boy matter-of-factly.

         "Offer? What offer?" (Y/n) thought to himself trying to understand the situation.

         "I'm sure this world hasn't been kind to you. I've had my people researching you for a while now. You see, you intrigue me. Most males wouldn't have waited this long to off themselves, but you did. This tells me there's something about you, something that I think would be quite useful, your tenaciousness. On top of this looking at your school files, you sir, are quite smart, more so than most your age." She spoke calmly trying to entice the boy.

         It was at this moment the boy interjected into her speech.

         "Why should I believe any of this?" (Y/n) questioned calmly, now forgetting the hesitation from earlier. The boy, while he liked the praise wasn't foolish enough to blindly listen to a person.

         "What do you mean?" The woman questioned, hiding her amusement at the boy's presence.

         "What I mean is everyone I've known, for as long as I've been on this planet, bar 1 or 2 people who simply didn't care, has been against me. They constantly chewed me up and spit me out without a shred of remorse. That's the world we live in. So why should I believe the words of another person?" he spoke clearly and concisely. He had a point to make and he made it.

          "I can't make you believe me, but understand this. If you accept the offer I give you, I can give you a place to stay away from that apartment of yours, I can give you a family, and I can give you the power to stand up to the world that's tried to tear you down." she spoke, her attempts to reach the boy being genuine.

          Now at these words, (Y/n) was initially skeptical, but as the words sunk in and he thought about it decided to hear her offer.

         "Ok. What's the offer?" he asked cautiously.

         "Join my League Of Villains." she spoke with a smile as she waited for the boys response.

         Now this was the final time (Y/n) would hesitate on this day. As he carefully thought, he slowly pulled up his sleeves, noticing the scars, remembering every wound placed on his body by others. As well as some placed by himself. He thought of all of these things, before deciding he has nowhere else to go.

         "I will. But on one condition: I won't directly have to kill. I understand hurting people can't be avoided but I refuse to kill." (Y/n) calmly spoke as he slowly raised his hand to the woman for a handshake

         The woman smirked. This boy was obviously brave.

         "That can be arranged. My name is All For One. Please, call me Sensei" the woman responded as she took his hand and completed the handshake, sealing the deal.

Man Made (Male Villain Reader x Fem!BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now