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Pandava's were near the gates of hastinapur and everyone cheered their name proudly "hail pandu's children , hail pandu's children" and they entered the palace to see everyone was there to welcome them. They got down their horses and walked towards the elders and yudhishthir touched dhritararshtr feet saying  "pranaam maharaj, all the other pandavas bowed as well and then yudhishthir said " due to your blessing we came home yashasvee and completed our duty of gurudakshina" to which dhritararshtr said "kalyaan ho, i'm sure maha guru drona is very proud of you guys", and yudhishthir went and touched the feet of gandhari and said "pranaam maharani", to which gandhari said "kalyaan ho, congratulations on wining the contest", hearing what gandhari said dhritararshtr turned and went away and then they all proceeded after taking everyone's blessings.


After freshening up we all went to mata's room as she told us she is going to feed us dinner today. Going to her room I called her "mata!! i'm ready to eat by your hands!", "not so fast aadhya as i'm elder then you I will have the honors to eat before you" said bharata bheem and nakul said "bharata bheem don't forget jesth bharata is elder then you so before you he will have the first bite", and we all giggled and sat down to eat.

After thanking god for the food mata started feeding us food then I said "jesth bharata you said I can ask how you guys fought when we reached home so now tell me tell me!! and how can I forget!!!!!!! bharata sahadev!! I said faked glaring and I said "remember what you have to do right?", everyone looked at him confused and bharata sahadev said "yes I do, mata give her my share of two ladoos!" to which bharata arjun said "oh why what did you do or say, to cause you losing two ladoos!?" and bharata sahadev said "I just joked about how she came unharmed and finished early then me so she said I have to give her two ladoos as a punishment",  yudhishthir said "thinking about ladoos even while fighting, was our little warrior that confident and excited?" he said jokingly and bharata nakul said "after all she is vrikodar's sister she takes after him too and bharata bheem hearing this patted my back or should I say hit me making me chock the ladoo I was eating and I looked up glared at bharata bheem who was laughing for what he did to me, I was about to say something to him but a ladoo was put in my mouth causing me to turn and see who it was.

 It was bharata arjun and he said "for backing me up, it was our first official fight and you fought so well!! and i'm proud of how well you fought" saying this he ruffled my hair and smiled proudly even I gave a happy nod at receiving a ladoo then I said "well how can I not be excited, confident or fight well as I knew nothing will happen to us as we were together just like mata told us together we are unbreakable and tell me your fighting scene now I can't wait any longer!" and then they started saying everything one by one and aadhya as always excitedly told them how she fought just like old times making everyone smile.


After eating everyone was doing what they wanted to do and arjun, sahadev and aadhya were in the practice room just trying to burn some calories and having small conversation, "i'm so satisfied today, I was able to give gurudakshina to gurudev and make him proud, what do you think about it bharatashree's?", both of them agreed and they started practicing again and suddenly sahadev stopped practicing making arjun and aadhya ask him what happened and he said "i'm having a bad intuition about jesth bharata", they all ran to his cambers without wasting a single second.  


We all reached jesth's room and entered seeing tatshree there confirmed it that what we thought was true and he asked jesth to ask our review about what he has suggested and I said "there is no need to think tatshree", making tatshree a little angry he came towards me but I continued "your every word is a command to jesth bharata and five of us as well". I shared a look at aadhya and she nooded so I started talking again.

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