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I entered and they blocked my way, so I created a circle around me and shouted "this is my chakraview,  I challenge you to enter this", and they all came towards me to attack and enter the circle but I easily attacked them and defended my circle not letting them enter and continue to fight them.


They blocked my way as soon as I entered and came towards me attacking me, I defeated them and moved a little ahead and saw that some soldiers throw a net trap towards me, I used my spear to keep it in air and turn it to them causing them to be trapped inside and continued fighting other soldiers. 


I entered and as expected they blocked my way out, I started shooting arrows and defeating them with it and attacked and fought more of them with ease and made my way towards another side so I can be with jesth bharata so he can tell what to do next.


As expected they blocked my way as soon as I entered but no problem I know how to make my way out, they came towards me attacking me but I smoothly turned around and attacked them and few more came towards me making me excited for this as who doesn't love a good fight well I sure do, I was fighting one soldier but another one came from behind so I back flipped and kicked the other soldier, then 3 soldiers came towards me so I took one of the shield from the soldier I knocked before and sat down blocking their attack and I pushed them with force and before they could stable their selves I got up fast and turning around and knocked them down, knowing I was no weakling more soldiers came and I used my illusion to confuse them then kicked a guy on his leg making him fall and attacked few soldiers and I told them "never believe your eyes and that was the great tip given by my bharata arjun so you guys better remember that", and I started fighting them without giving them any chance to win and trying not to hurt them to much, while fighting I started missing food as this fighting was making me hungry and I told myself  "wow now you are thinking like bharata bheem and laughed", after defeating them I made my way and went towards bharata sahadev. 


Aadhya came asking me  "need any help bharata?", to which I  said "well  done i'm surprised that you are not hurt and out even finished before me wow and about helping me well I didn't need any but since you are here I wouldn't mind you joining me", I smiled and she said "well never underestimate me bharata and now as a punishment you will have to give me your share of ladoos and I will join you with pleasure bharata", we laughed and fought the remaining soldiers and made our way towards jesth bharata and the others.


I went towards bharata bheem and teasingly asked him "this is it? you just defeated this much soldiers?" and some soldiers came behind me and bharata bheem hit his leg on the ground with force creating a sock wave making all of them fall and bharata laughed  but I was still on the horse and I said "but I didn't fall and started laughing", and bharata saying "take this" hits his leg on the ground creating another shock wave making me fall of my horse and then came towards me and picked me up.


I went towards jesth and join him in fighting the soldiers and he said "arjun go break the chakraview as we need to go towards other, remember how mata said if we stay together we will be unbreakable" and I nodded and started to do what he said and break the chakraview to see bharata bheem and nakul togther then we all went in the other direction to see aadhya with sahadev and she said "you guys finally here let's move" and we went forward fighting the soldiers who came our way and I told them "we have to move towards the center as king drupad and the kurva's will be there"

Aadhya - Strength of PandavasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon