The Houses

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Erica's POV

We arrived in LA finally after a long flight. Morgan slept on top of me for the majority of the plane ride which was very uncomfortable because I couldn't move or else she would have woken up and been miserable and we don't stan Morgan when she's salty.

After getting all our stuff it was time to part ways, the worst part of this whole ordeal.

"You guys better not cry cause that's too much work." Chase complains.

"Shut up, let us be sad if we want, cause we all your leaders won't let us hang out." Erica glares at chase.

"IMMA MISS YOU BITCH" We cried in sync.

We hugged each other and cried into each other's shoulders. Chase and Payton went to go get us Starbucks because they both knew it would make us feel just a tad bit better.

"Ladies, I hate to tell you this, but we have to get going." Payton said, hating every minute of breaking us apart.

Erica and I have been friends since we were 5. We met in pre-school and have been inseparable ever since. We let go of our hug and Chase hugged me as we walked the other way from Morgan to the airport exit. I got into Chase's car and we drove off to hype house. I wanted to sing sad songs like a music video but that's too dramatic. Morgan got into Payton's car and they went off to sway house, jamming out to sad songs.

*At Hype*

Chase took out his keys and let me in the house. Everyone was waiting in the living room for me. There's so many people that live here, that's scary.

"Guys, meet my little sister, Erica, her mark was for Hype House" Chase said.

Everyone said hello and introduced themselves to me.

The Lopez brothers really scared me not to lie. They're guys in their mid twenties hanging out with 16 year olds, now that's a big Yikes. I mean Charli seemed really cool though. Thomas gave me a house tour, then took me to my bedroom.

"Chase's room is the one right across from yours." Thomas says leaving my room.

I started to unpack my stuff and I got a call from Morgan. I picked up of course.

"So how's sway?!" I ask.

"It's whack! I have the biggest bedroom in the house, the fridge has nothing but White Claws in it, I'm honestly about to catch an alcohol addiction in this place" She rambles, "So how's Hype?"

" Hype is okay, there are so many people here, it's so loud, I don't have the biggest room but it's an upgrade from my house. The Lopez brothers scare me, badly, but Charli seems cool." I rambled a bit, "How's the members at Sway?" I ask

"Josh is super chill, Bryce is encouraging me to illegal things, and Quinton is soooo sexy" She babbles, of course she already likes someone and she's been there for 2 hours.

"Everyone at hype is lowkey ugly. Besides the point, you better make your move on Quinton before some else does." Erica laughs.

"Oh I'm gonna try to," She said.

I miss Morgan so much, and I saw her 2 hours ago, like that's how inseparable we are. I heard someone coming so I told Morgan I had to go so I didn't get in trouble for being friends with someone at Sway. I know they wouldn't mind because Chase and Payton are friends and in different gangs, they aren't the biggest fan but they respect their wishes.

Since we are in different houses now, I think they expect us to not communicate any more since it isn't right in their eyes. Chase came into my room to see how I was doing.

"Hey, how are you doing with settling in and everything?" Chase says as he plops down on my bed.

"I honestly miss Morgan, Sway and Hype need to be friends so we can see each other more often" I respond, on the verge of tears.

Chase crawls over and hugs me as I begin to cry into his chest. He tries his best to comfort me but the only person who has ever comforted me in any situation was Morgan. Chase is 2 years older than me and was always out with friends and moved to LA when he was 16. I never really had a special bond with him until after he left. I ended up falling asleep on his chest so he just stayed in my room tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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