Sweet 16

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Erica's POV:

Today is finally the day. Morgan and I turn the big 16! It was around 10am when our brothers, Payton and Chase, jumped on the bed to wake us up. They could have stepped on my twig ass I swear.

"Happy birthday dingbats" They yelled in sync.

Morgan threw a pillow at them since it was too early for her. She sat on the outside of the bed so she rolled off the bed, dragging the blankets, knowing the boys would come down with her. Chase screams like a little girl. Payton laughs at him. 

" Losers." I say rolling on the floor falling onto chase.

"Ouch, I'm a twig, don't do that stupid" Chase bitched.

"Yeah so am I, we have the same parents," I replied.

Morgan fell back asleep on the floor cause why not. Payton hit her with a pillow since he is a good brother and has wake her up to get ready for coronation. 

"You ladies have to go get ready for coronation, you can basically wear whatever you want, if you wear dresses I'm suing." Chases says doing a hair flip.

Morgan wore:

Morgan wore:

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Erica Wore:

Both of them came out of the two bathrooms in sync by accident

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Both of them came out of the two bathrooms in sync by accident.

"When two worlds collide." Chase says as a joke since the two styles were so different.

"Well sweeties we have to leave." Payton says in a high pitch voice like a mother.

Morgan and I flipped him off and got into my Tesla, that I got when I got my permit. We drove off to the stadium for the coronation. Chase and Payton took their seats with their gangs, since they were in different gangs. 

The ceremony began and Morgan and I sat up in the coronation seats on stage. We were scared to get different gang groups but we'll hopefully still be friends.

"We gather here today to celebrate the coronation of Morgan Moormeier and Erica Hudson and other children" The leader of the Woodpecker gang announced.

"Today, we assign which gang these children are assigned to for the rest of their lives" The leader of the ClubHouse gang continued.

We lined up in order and the Sway gang leader gave us our marks on our necks. Morgan got into sway; she was the only one. I got into Hype house: I was the only one to get into the house. All the others got into woodpecker or Clubhouse.

I could tell this was going to be a wild ride, the houses were never gonna be the same. Hype and Sway absolutely hated each other. Payton and Chase are only friends because of Morgan and I, otherwise, there would be mad beef. We walked outside of the stadium where the coronation was held and took tons of photos. Payton and Chase were afraid of their friendship falling apart, but hopefully the 4 of them could pull the 2 houses together to be friends, or at least acquaintances. 

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