Chapter Four: Burst

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September 19th, 2015

"I'm Delilah, this is my husband Ellis. Your name is Lyria, correct?" Lyria wasn't happy with this woman's tone of voice. She sounded a little condescending.

"Yes," Lyria answers reluctantly before glancing over at Dartanian, "Why am I still here?" She asks them.

Delilah glances over at Dartanian briefly before answering the young girl. "You're what we call an unstable Elemental. You've never been apart of our culture until now. You don't truly understand what's happening with your body, how it's changing so you can control Fire. Like Dartanian's did," she tells the young girl who snickers to herself.

"It's like 'the talk' all over again, but with the elements," Lyria says and Delilah takes a calming breath.

"Essentially, yes. But, you must stay here with us. You can't control it yet. You'll have to cut ties with your friends, anyone outside of this residence," Delilah says and Lyria's jaw drops.

" friends at school..."

Delilah shakes her head. "You can't talk to them anymore. They can't know about us," she informs the teen. Dartanian watches, seeing how helpless Lyria looks. He decides to intervene by moving to stand by the bed.

"Maybe we should break everything slowly to her, Delilah," Dartanian says, his silver eyes turning a dark gray as he stares at the blonde woman. Ellis and Delilah leave, although Delilah was reluctant to.

Lyria clasps her pendant as Dartanian watches her. He understands how alone she feels, but his loneliness stems from a different reason. "Don't worry about her. She's like this with everyone, including her own daughter," he informs her and she looks up at him with her blue eyes.

"I just found out my parents are dead and that I'm some kind of..." she groans as she tries to place her words, "an Elemental?" She asks and he nods. "And now I have to stop talking to my friends? I can't..." she closes her eyes as tears fill her eyes, "I wish I had died with my parents."

Dartanian takes a deep breath before resting a hand on the brunette's shoulder as she cries. He watches her cry, unable to truly comfort her. He hasn't felt anything good since his brother left but Lyria's made him smile at least once. "Don't...don't blame yourself. It'll be alright," He insists and she wipes under her eyes before looking at him.

"I...I need to be alone right now, please," she says and he nods before leaving the room, knowing she needs some time to think.


"Lance, take care of your brother okay?" A woman with jet black hair says as she speaks to her eldest son. "But why mommy? Why can't we come with you?" A man approaches and their mother stands. Dartanian watches, not understanding what's happening. "Mommy..."

Their mother kneels down and gives Dartanian a long hug. "It'll be okay baby," she whispers, "I love you, and I'll miss you."

The two brothers watch their parents leave, Dartanian grabbing Lance's bigger hand. The ten year old holds his eight year old brother's hand, the two of them feeling upset about their parents leaving.


"Dartanian...hello?" He opens his eyes when he hears Fleur's voice.

"Uh, yeah?" He asks, rubbing his eyes as he concentrates on the present. Fleur rolls her gray eyes before heaving a sigh.

"Is that new girl awake?" She asks him and he nods.

"Yes, and her name is Lyria. Try to use it instead," he tells her and she raises an eyebrow at him.

"Why are you so annoyed this morning?" She asks and he shrugs before answering her.

" is Saturday, kinda wanted to sleep in," he says, sarcasm dripping from his words.

Fleur sighs softly before responding. "I'm sorry my mom is so..." she trails off and looks at Dartanian.

"Intrusive?" He asks and she nods. "Don't worry about it. It's her own fault she's like that," Dartanian assures the fragile looking girl.

Fleur takes a long, deep breath before responding to him. "I know..." she trails off before leaving the kitchen, decidedly going up to her room.

Lyria stays in the hospital bed for a long time afterwards. Then the door suddenly opens and a pretty girl with dark brown hair and emerald colored eyes walks in. From her stance, she's taller than most girls but still very feminine with the way she walks.

She smiles at Lyria and introduces herself. "I'm Shaye. I live here as've already met Dartanian, Delilah and Ellis. Everyone else will come to say hi at some point," she tells the frightened sixteen year old, "Lyria...I know how badly you must feel, but it isn't your fault. Most Elementals can't control themselves in the first year or so after being Marked," Shaye explains and Lyria notices a black mark on the girl's wrist, "oh yeah, this is mine. Earth."

"Earth?" Lyria asks and Shaye nods.

"Yes. Earth or nature, whichever you prefer, but we usually say Earth."

Lyria takes a deep breath, trying to understand. "So...what can you do?" She asks and Shaye smiles.

"Glad you asked," the tall teen responds before going over to a small plant bowl and touching the withered plant. It slowly comes back to life, the green taking place over the brown leaves.

"That's really cool," Lyria murmurs and Shaye gives her a smile.

"Thank you. And, Fire isn't all bad. It signifies rebirth and renewal. Don't worry; Dartanian, myself, Bastion and Fleur will help you."

The brunette plays with her necklace before answering. "What about Delilah and Ellis?" She asks and Shaye gives her a reassuring smile.

"They'll let you stay. Delilah's not completely cold."

"But most of the time she is?" Lyria asks and Shaye sighs quietly before answering.

"She's stressed out from running our Residence, it's a lot of work for one person. Ellis doesn't help too much," Shaye tells the young girl who looks nervous, "just watch out for yourself and train, but not too hard."

"Train?" Lyria asks, looking completely stupefied.

"Yeah. They'll want proof of who you are, considering you didn't grow up with your biological parents," Shaye tells her, "they'll need proof you're like them. And that you're related to them. So, you'll need to train in order to get your powers under control. Fire is...difficult. If you get angry it can come out," Shaye informs the girl, "just take it easy for now...I shouldn't have overwhelmed you."

Lyria smiles a little, the first one since she's been in the building. "No, thank you for letting me know..." Lyria murmurs and Shaye nods before smiling, then she leaves so Lyria can have some peace and quiet.

The Elementals: The Last Crimson (1st in the Elementals Series)Where stories live. Discover now