Chapter 14

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Blue, Oj, and Tide had hidden their base. They had found an astronomy lab and found lots of planets. One thing they realized later was that every planet was different and that they would appear and disappear. Until one day when they launched a spaceship and the radio transmitter back said, "we aren't a planet we are a giant diorama". How do you know that? It says diorama of Minecraft. Someone's coming. Then hide billy. Hey how did that rocket get here? Hi I'm grant what is your name? I'm billy. Are you a giant? No I am a human. What is a human? Well it's like a giant, but it's not a giant. I think I get it now. Grant what are you doing in my room! Sorry Sammy I was looking at your diorama. Hey Sammy did you know that those mini people come to life. No they don't. Then meet billy. Hi there I'm billy. Ahhhhhhh!

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