Chapter 4

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It had been ten years since Herald had seen his father and the day that hero had died. Herald had been crowned 1 year ago by the elders. He was now 23 and had a son named Blue who would one day follow in heralds footsteps. Clay had retired last year after breaking every record in archery. Blue sometimes got lessons with Clay, if he wasn't busy. Blue had made some friends at his school down the road. Sometimes they would come to the castle and play Dwarves Vs Zombies together. Then one day a worker in the mines found a gemstone. This gemstone wasn't like any other one they had seen so they threw it off the side of Minecraftia the floating city. When it landed on the ground it made a green light and a portal appeared. Then someone came through the portal and they knew that it could only be Notch. He radiated so much power that it hurt your eyes to look at it.

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