Chapter 11

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When they found the boat it was very dusty. The three heroes were walking around when Oj spotted a button so he pressed it. Luckily it didn't blow anything up. Hey the lights are on, good observation Blue, said Tide. Let's get this boat running. Try that button. Ok, hey it worked the boats on. Wait let me get my crafting table. Tide there is no time the boat is lowering. Fine, we'll then we will make a new one when we hit the ground. Whoa why is there all this debris flying around? I don't know, but I don't like it. Bang! What in the world was that. A mast that looks like it's from the armada. Then it hit them both literally and figuratively. The armada had been blown up, but by who? The hull can't take that much damage again and we lost the rear engine.

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