Chapter 4: The Strongest CPU

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(AN: No, the transformation of Nero will not be Ultra instinct, or is it?)

Island - Nero POV

We've been training for hours and now we're ready to save Sis and the other. I was still a bit hesitant of hurting someone, but if it's to save sis i will do everything on my power to save her














Even if it cost my life.

I was cut off my thoughts by IF

IF: Nero, stay focused, the monster are closing in

Nero: Understood

IF: Are you all ready?

All: Yes!

IF: Then let's go!

As we arrived on the island, we could see an army of monster comming our way to stop us

Nero: Everyone, be on guard, and stay focused no matter what!

All: Right!

IF: *joking* Hey, i'm the one supposed to give orders, don't take my job away from me okay?

Nero: *smile* if i take your job, that just means you suck at it!

We fought for too long, monster keep coming without end, everyone was getting tired, but i wasn't tired at all.

Rom&Ram: There's too much of them!

Uni: You two stay focused!

Nero: Uni behind you!

Uni: Huh?!

She didn't see the monster behind her. Fortunately, i was on guard and killed the monster before he can do any harm

Uni: Thanks!

Nero: No need to thank me! Stay focused on your shooting, i cover you!

While we were fighting, I've seen Nepgear standing without moving, and a monster closing in

Nero: Nepgear, watch out !

But, the unexpected came

Nepgear Transformed!

Nepgear Transformed!

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