Molly: The Order Nurse

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The last thing Lily could remember before everything going black was James screaming for her to move out of the way. However, when her eyes fluttered open she was lying on a couch with her head propped up and pain in her side. She had been on an Order Rescue Mission with James, Sirius, and Mary. Marlene and her brothers had been captured and taken to Malfoy Manor. Therefore the four Order members assigned to the task invaded Malfoy Manor, split up, and rescued the three captives. 

Molly Weasley was pregnant with her fourth and fifth child so this meant she was not allowed to go on any missions of any kind. Instead, she joined Poppy Pomfrey's side and became a nurse for the Order. Having five months of practice nursing Order members back to health she could tell who fought on the front lines and who was the distraction. She just finished bandaging Marlene Mckinnon's head when she heard shouting behind her.

"Oi! Anyone wanna give my wife medical attention?" To say that James Potter was freaking out was an understatement. He has been married to Lily for two months and had been through many Order missions with her. She was a spectacular dueler, but Death Eaters did not play fair. He tried to warn her before Bellatrix could aim a curse from behind her, but it was no use. She was hit by the curse and he had to keep fighting.

Molly hurried over to the frantic man she had only seen a couple of times before and set her supplies on the table. She winced because she decided to wear heels, but her ankles had swelled up, due to pregnancy. "Your name?"

"I'm James Potter and this is Lily." Molly thought that these two looked far too young to be fighting, but didn't question it. She kneeled down next to Lily slowly and measured her pulse. As the young girl opened her eyes she caught sight of a gorgeous engagement ring with a wedding band right next to it. "Lily, what hurts?" Molly assumed James was her husband but was still puzzled trying to figure out how young people could be so involved in the war. From what she could tell Lily and James were on the front lines.

"My side underneath my ribs." Molly looked at Lily's shirt more carefully and saw the blood rapidly bleeding through her shirt. She pulled Lily's shirt up slowly and gently. When she viewed the deep cut on the woman's side she heard a sharp intake of breath. Another man appeared at James's side who was holding onto Lily's hand.

"Mate Dumbles wants to talk to us." As Molly cleaned the pale skin around the cut she heard the conversation continue behind her.

"Padfoot I can't leave Lily here! I mean look at her!" After that statement, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She glanced up to see her own husband with a small frown on his face.

"Molly will take care of her, I promise." James looked at Arthur pondering his decision. Sirius had already made it for him.

"James, she'll be alright. Molly will fix her up brand new." James looked at his best mate and reluctantly pulled his hand away from Lily's. "You can return to her as soon as he's done talking to us." The two men walked away when Molly pulled out one of the strongest healing potions. Even though Molly was applying the potion Lily would still have a scar from her hip to her ribcage.

"You're name is Molly right?" Her patient asked her. She smiled and nodded.

"Yes. Molly Weasley. I didn't catch your last name though, Lily." Lily smiled despite the pain in her head and her side.

"Lily Potter." She looked young to be married, so unless James was her brother... "James is my husband and you saw Sirius his best mate. Bloody hell that potion hurts!" Molly chuckled at her exclamation.

"How long have you two been married?" Molly asked placing the potion back in her bag.

"Just two months, but the best two months of my life. I am only eighteen, but James and I felt it was right to get married now because of how the world is right now." Molly nodded. Wow, teenagers and they were already married. "Oh, my Merlin! How far along are you?" Lily looked excited by her new friend's baby bump and Molly was excited to share the information with someone new.

"I'm five months along. The healers at St. Mungo's said I'd deliver in the eighth month because I am having twins!" Lily looked at Molly like all the pain had flooded her body.

"Twins! How exciting! Do you have any other children?" Molly nodded.

"I have three boys at home." James returned and looked skeptically at the joy on Lily's face.

"How are you feeling honey?" Lily laid her head back on her pillow when James kissed her on the cheek.

"Okay, I guess. Still kind of shakey."

As Molly watched the two converse she smiled. Young, they may be, but love was what she was seeing. Pure, true love at its finest. When she stood up and saw her own husband she smiled and kissed him. Molly put her hands on her belly and realized love was what was going to get them through the war.


Author's Note:

This isn't the best, but I love Jily so... That's basically all I have to say right now except for the fact that 70's music is bomb. I posted the first two chapters in one day just so there was more content to this book.

I'm a dork, thanks for reading despite that.


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