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nobodys pov

Kiibo and Rantaro got in there hotel room and immediately went to the shower because they were sweaty from sit in a humid bus with hormone filled teens. Rantaro went in the bathroom with his clothes. The bathroom was really big and nice looking. He takes of his clothes off.

rantaros pov

I put on my shower playlist. I get undressed and step into the shower, the water is super hot. I hum to the song that was play which was 'hey lover' by daughter of eve. My showers usually last about 10 mins but Kiibo is with me so i'll have to shorten it to 5 or 4 mins. I wash everything and get out of the shower. I put on a over sized,thin hoodie and my boxers. I walk out of the bathroom. Kiibo walks into take a shower? I don't want to know if he can? I brush that thought and sit on the bed and look at anime TikToks.

*time skip*

He come out of the shower with only his hair wet. I was confused but didn't say anything. I hear a ping from both of our phones, it was the class group chat. It was Kirumi asking us if we wanted to go to the beach since we rented the whole hotel thanks to me. I asked Kiibo and he says no I say okay and walk out.


Soooorrrry this came out late i'm really bad at this. A little question, what would u do if i did a Q&A. Also what kind of music do u guys like? Have a great day~☯p r i s m☯

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