Wendy gasps, moving away from Jungkook, "hell no. Me and you both are going to stick out, and that's going to further the problem."

Rolling his eyes, he flops back onto her bed, "you do realise that because you hang around with me, people are going to notice you too. So why not go out with a bang, rather than a small fizzle?"

Wendy doesn't reply.

Sighing Jungkook says, "fine. If you don't dye your hair like those tiktok girls than I'm not doing my hair. Yes Wendy, I will crush your dreams like that."

She immediately gasps, her hand on her chest, "how dare you pull that card on me?" Jungkook sits up, staring at her with a stern look on his face.

Ten minutes later, Jungkook was bleaching Wendy's hair, a solemn look on her face. "My parents are going to kill me," she groans, a hand on her face and the only fidgeting around. Jungkook laughs loudly, "relax Wendy, at least you're not doing your whole head, I'm the one that's going to look like a candy apple."

"Candy apples are nice though..." She mumbles and Jungkook resists the urge to flick her forehead. "You're being so silly right now Wendy, and trust me, your parents are going to love this new look on you."

She doesn't say anything so Jungkook says, "you know what, you're going to love it. I can feel it in the air."

As soon as Jungkook was done with Wendy's hair, they immediately switch places, and Wendy gets started with Jungkook's hair. Wendy chatters to Jungkook about random things, "and that's when the squirrel came over because I gave it a thick fry, and it stayed with me the whole time in the park."

But Jungkook wasn't processing any of the words she was saying to him, Jungkook didn't worry when he was dyeing Wendy's hair, he was completely fine. But now that he's watching his own hair turn from a natural brown to an unnatural bleached yellow.

What would happen at school?

Jungkook never felt like he got picked on. Although he knew that people often whispered about him, and there was the occasional laugh when he messed up, he always knew that no one would try and make fun of him. It was the same for Wendy, when the two became friends it was like everyone miraculously stopped picking on her too.

So what was going to happen when Jungkook rocks up with literally a bright red head of hair.

"You know when I said I wanted to dye my hair, I was maybe thinking like just little blonde streaks, but we know how that turned out..." Jungkook says unsurely as Wendy brushes on the red dye.

"It's like a blank canvas," Wendy giggles, completely ignoring Jungkook's words. Jungkook stares as Wendy brushes on the red. "Great...thanks Wendy."

Sighing she says, "see? Now who's the one who's worrying?" Jungkook shrugs and tries to itch his head but his hand gets slapped away by Wendy. "Bad. Don't touch the dye otherwise it's going to be patchy."

"I was going to say like your skin but then I remembered, your skin is clearer than glass."

"I was so ready to swipe this red brush on your forehead," she chuckles, swaying the brush around lightly. Jungkook eyes the brush in her hand, now suspicious, "why did I ask you to do this again?" He asks, slowly trying to inch away from Wendy. However she places her hands on his shoulder tightly, "because you love me!"

She smiles brightly and goes back to lathering the thick dye on Jungkook's roots.

Then Jungkook gets a random thought.

"Hey Wendy...do you think they call it ‘dye’ because after you dye your hair, your hair starts to actually die? And maybe because of marketing that had to change the name otherwise no one would buy into the hair dyeing business so they just replaced the ‘i’ with an ‘y’ but kept the pronunciation the same?"

Wendy takes a deep breath, "sometimes Jungkook, I really don't understand what goes on in that big brain of yours." Jungkook frowns when she chuckles, "that's why you got a big head."

If it was possible, his frown becomes even more tight, "I do not have a big head...you're the one with a balloon for a brain, a shell...but empty inside and full of air."

"Oh was that supposed to hurt me?"

Jungkook bursts out laughing when she blows a raspberry, and makes a funny face.

Times like these, he wishes could last forever.


publishing a fourth chapter even though I already published three today? Yes...
Ik I've got no life but don't rub it in guys, the wound is still fresh xD
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ThEn WtF iS?¿?

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