A Bittersweet Romance: One

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Brandon's picture--------------------------------------------->


For the first time since Delilah started school she has never dreaded attending until today. She was always the girl who couldn't wait to begin school to gain knowledge about everything she could learn from her teachers. But today all she wanted to do was lay in bed and never leave her room; even leaving her mother was hard. Her mother put up a strong front but Delilah knew her all to well; she knew how torn up she was inside but she used her mothers strength to help keep her own.

Walking into Hilton High School on Monday made her even sadder; her peers walking around with no care in the world. Fooling around with friends, laughing and enjoying their selves. This is the time that Delilah wish she had many friends or any friends for that matter.

Looking down at her black and purple converse; Delilah hikes up her book-bag on her shoulder and begins walking to first period. There's still ten minutes left until first period starts but considering she has no friends it pointless for her to sit in the mall area.

Not paying attention to where she is walking, Delilah turns a corner and walks right into another person. She lets out a small gasps as her butt collides with the floor and her book-bag goes sliding across the hallway.

"I-I'm so sorry.." She quickly scrambles to her feet. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was-" Her apologies were instantly cut off when her emarld green eyes connected with familiar sea blue ones.

"Delilah?" Leah questioned although she already knew that was her ex best friend standing just a few feet from her.

Delilah turned her gaze to the dirty tile floor not wanting to see Leah's sad eyes. An uncomfortable silence fell between the two until a freshman came up to Delilah to hand her bag. Giving the boy what she hoped was a sincere smile she turned back to her old friend and mumbled a goodbye before quickly walking pass her into her classroom.

Leah just watched her stalk off into one the classrooms; secretly wanting to follow her and maybe get some answers as to why she cut their friendship short. Although it's been about two years Leah dearly miss her best friend of twelve years she knows better to confront her though and sadly continues her walk to the mall where her other friends await her.

Delilah grabs her usual seat in the front and puts her head down suddenly feeling tired. The two hours of sleep she got last night is hitting her hard and she can't fight the heaviness of her eyes. Thinking she has at least five minutes till class begins; she's happy to let the sleep pull her under.

Delilah hears a faint voice calling her name, "Delilah Everest.." She begins to stir in her sleep but doesn't open her eyes. She snuggles more into her pillow and let the blackness consume her once again. "Delilah Everest!" The voice is much louder and closer then before and Delilah shoots out of her seat. Squinting because of the blinding light Delilah make eye contact with her Sociology teacher.

Confused, Delilah looks down and sees her book-bag instead of a pillow and her desk instead of her bed. Finally realizing where she is, her eyes widen in shock. She looks around the room and it's empty; no one other than her and Mrs. Titman are in the room.

"Ms. Everest are feeling alright?" Mrs. Titman worriedly asked, gently placing her hand on Delilah's head. "You slept through my whole class and that's not like you.."

Feeling her heart beat picking up Delilah was in full on panic mode. She has never in her life slept an wink in class or for the entire class for that matter. "I'm f-fine Mrs. I just didn't get any sleep last night, It'll never happen again I swear."

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