"Hey what are you thinking?"

I shook my head and said,"Thinking that I have to listen your nonsense for next 4 years. "

He frowned at me and punched my arm.

"Yeah you have to listen. Even if your ears bleed. After all I'm your BFF."

The rest of the day goes like this. Teachers came and talk about our subjects. We roam around the campus and headed back to our dorm.

"New what are you'll be doing this evening?", Toy ask after some time.

"I'm thinking to go book shop to collect my books."

"Cancel your thinking. You're not gonna go any book shop. It's just first day, ok? And moreover there's still some time for start class fully. Today I'll show you around the Bangkok. My treat. "

I was thinking about his offer. Toy maybe notice my face and again said,

"New don't worry. Your book won't just fly way and besides uncle won't say anything our uni just started yet. How bout I'll take you to the store and we'll both buy these together, ok?"

I agreed though it's been a long time we hang out together. Beside I don't want to disappoint my best friend.

"Good choice. Cause if you don't agree I'll sure beat you badly until you convinced."

"Look at yourself, you really think you can beat me? Don't forget I'm the only one who always won at times of fighting . "

Well that's actually true.

"Then we will see this time", saying this he started fight with me. We're fighting like a kid.

Honestly speaking, I feel like alive again. Toy is not only my best friend but more like my brother. I don't know what would happened to me without him. Though I'm kinda introvert person but I still made friends with some of my classmates. But  they befriended with me for their own benefits. Everything was fake. Toy, on the other hand, understand me. He knows me more than my parents. Even though we've different personalities but we still understand each other. Which I expect from a friend. He's the only person whom I trust most, who knows me like a open book. I can be like me around him. No matter what he always support me in any kind of situation.

After our kid fighting moments we headed back to our dorm. I took a shower and rest for a while. After sometime I dressed up with my casual outfit. I currently waiting for Toy outside the building. He said he will picked me up from here at 6 in the evening. I found a ash coloured car approached me. I saw Toy was in driving seat. He looked at me and sarcastically ask

"Do you need any invitation?"

"Is it safe. My father still have some huge expectations from me. I don't wanna die so soon you know",
I said almost jokingly. He frowned at me and annoyingly said

"Dude I've my driving licence. Wanna see? "

I shook my head and laughed softly. I hop in the car and he starts the engine.

First we went a restaurant cause we are hella hungry. Toy shows me many things. But even though those things are fascinating but I still missed my home town. We went to the mall and roam around. Toy buy some stuffs as I didn't. It's not like I don't want to spend my money. It's just I'm not in a mood to buy anything.

Currently we are roaming around the street. Suddenly Toy get my attention.

"New there's a café where they provide really good drinks. Let's get some. "

Hearing café, instantly my mind went to thinking about that café where I met him. Yes him. I should have known his name. Damn why I didn't asked him. And why the hell I'm feeling sad about that. Toy shook me and I'm back on earth.

"Yeah sure. Let's go", I said hurriedly and Toy look at me in confusing way but didn't say anything. I took out my holding breath and follow him.

As usual, I ordered latte and Toy ordered cappuccino. Seeing cappuccino, I remembered how he [Tay]messed up my order and giving me wrong one. There is a tiny lil bit smile curve on my corner of the lips. I taste my latte and thought it's good but not as good as previous one. Don't know what he put in latte.
A girl approached Toy asking what he's doing here. This is the 3rd time I'm seeing some random girl approached him . Maybe she's also his girlfriend.
I went outside leaving them behind. They talk sometime and Toy kissed her on the cheek. Well that's bold. I've never seen this side of him.

Toy joined me again and we are started walking.

"How could you handle?", I asked him after some time.

"Handle what?", he asked me back not understanding my point.

"Girlfriends", I emphasis this word. And he started laughing.

"I don't need to handle them. I just go with flow", he said sincerely. I frowned at him and ask

"What if one of them found you with another one?"

"It's not like they really want some commitment from me. And even if they found it what more they can do. Break up? 1or 2 week later you'll found them with another one like me".

I'm kinda bit starlet after his confession. He's really changed. It's like I don't know him well. After some time he pock on my shoulder.

"You're spacing out again. What are you thinking?", he asked me.

"Thinking that you're change a lot."

"Time change New. So do people".

A moment of silent I said,"Change is good. But you change a lot. You should stick with one you know."

He laugh again and said,"Sticking with one, oh New , it's not my type. And beside I don't even remember after sometime whom I dated. So just chill."

I just shake my head. After all it's his life. At least he can decided what he wants to do where I can't even imagine.

"So playboy, huh", I said with cold glare. He just laughed and said

"Isn't it cool. I can teach you without any fee".

Seriously, sometime I find my friend very annoying.

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