Chapter 10

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Jacob's P.O.V

I saw the 2 of them walking together giggling. I instantly put my head down so they couldn't see. I didn't want to talk to Maggie or Madison. Both of them were sluts and they were both pretty fake. I knew Madison very well. We were going to do a collab song together when she kept trying to flirt and make out with me in the studio. It was so annoying I couldn't be around a girl like that. She kept calling me and texting me to hang out but I always ignored her. The only reason why I kept her in my contacts is because she asked to produce it and the song was pretty good, I wanted to maybe ask for it.

I was still on twitter looking at the tweets when I heard my name. "Jacob!! I missed you!" it was Madison. Ugh.

I had no choice. I looked up and saw both of them staring at me and giving me disgusting flirty looks. Maggie looked like she didn't even care about what happened at the other Starbucks today. Hoes. They ain't loyal.

Madison wore a really cropped black shirt and some light wash short shorts. Maggie was wearing the same outfit she was wearing in the morning when Andrea hit her. A crop top and jeans.

"Sorry guys, I'm busy, you should go."

"But I want to stay and talk to you about the collab we couldn't finish," begged Madison. She was pouting her lips and her black crop top was almost exposing her bra because she was bending down, hovering over my face. I could feel her light hazel eyes staring at me.

"That collab is over. I don't like it," I stated. I brushed through my hair and stared at my twitter. I didn't want to make eye contact with them.

Where was Andrea?! I wanted to get out quickly.

Andrea's P.O.V

I was glad that I had a few makeup wipes in my purse. I still had the shopping bags that I got when Bethany and I were shopping. We almost left it at Starbucks when we were arguing with Jacob and Maggie. I quickly got all my makeup off and applied a little bit of concealer to cover up the dark circles, some lip balm, and mascara.

While I was putting away all my makeup, I heard murmuring.

I walked outside of the bathroom to see a long line, behind the door. People probably thought I was taking a dump or something....

I saw Jacob with 2 other girls that absolutely pissed the hell out of me. What was Jacob doing with Maggie and Madison?!

"Whitesides, what the heck are you up to now!" I pinched his back. I could tell that he wasn't talking to them and he was on twitter. I felt kinda bad, but Jacob looked relieved.

"Thank goodness Andrea! What took you so long?!" his shoulders relaxed, and his eyebrows where back to normal. He handed my coffee back to me.

"Not so fast!" demanded the freaking idiot Madison, blocking our way. Maggie was just crossing her arms, her light brown eyes glaring at me.

"Get out of the way or I'll slap you're slutty face just like I did to Maggie!" I spat back. I was not usually mean to people, but I felt moody today. It was not a good day for me.

Madison was a whore. I was really starting to get closer to one of my guy friends at my old school and she just walked up and started making out with him. She went to my old school and as the Madison she is now, she's still a hoe.

Madison looked surprised. Her eyes were round and her jaws were hanging. I could tell she was surprised. I looked around and there were no teenage girls that might be my fans, and Ellie wasn't there anymore so I took the chance and started pacing my way out holding onto Jacob's arm.

People were staring at us and pointing. Honestly, I was angry and had no time to care about those old wrinkly humans that thought I was a horrible teenager. I mean, they were once teens too!

We went outside and I called a taxi to come pick us up.

We arrived at my house after 20 minutes. Jacob and I didn't really talk during the ride and the taxi driver didn't talk or turn on music. The taxi driver was a young looking man with dark black hair and from the side I saw a small beard growing. He didn't introduce himself to us either.

We arrived at my house and Jacob and I decided to watch some Netflix. We still were awkward around each other and I didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry Andrea," Jacob finally said nervously, chewing on his bottom lip and not making eye contact.

After a while of just staring at the ground, I responded. "You don't have to be sorry. I know it's not your fault," I didn't want to keep the unfriendliness between us. My mom wasn't home and my dad was at work so it was pretty quiet in the house too.

"Let's not be so awkward around each other?" Jacob was smiling now and I smiled back at him. He walked close towards me and gave me a hug. It was good to know that we could trust each other again.

My long brown hair stuck onto Jacobs lips and I almost freaked out. I had OCD for that kind of stuff.


Jacob was laughing like a maniac and he wasn't even trying to get it off. "You're such a spaz andywandy!!" he loved calling me that when I was pissed because it pissdd me off even more.

The hair was moving with his lips now and Jacob freaked out too.

"AHHHH!!" He pulled it off and wiped his mouth with a tissue I handed him. Casually I slipped to the bathroom and washed that part of my hair making it look like a really oily piece of hair.

"That looks disgusting!! Ewww," exclaimed Jacob. He picked out the first Lord of the Rings movie and put it into the DVD player.

I got a plaid printed red blanket and some pillows from my room and threw them onto the couch.

"IM GOING TO GET ALL THE JUNK FOOD SO EXPECT NOTHING IN YOUR CUPBOARDS!!!" Jacob yelled from the kitchen. I could literally hear him smiling from the living room. It was bestie movie night, as Jacob and I like to call it.


Hey guys! I'm sorry is this chapter was boring! But I hope that you guys liked it. This chapter was fairly long and it took a while for me to write!

If you have any 2015 goals leave them in the comments! My goal is to meet Jacob!

I love you guys so much and I'll probably be writing a filler about the movie night!

Happy 2015 🎉

xoxo Motafictions 💕

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