The wind will never change on us

Start from the beginning

Something she had always admired in him was his naturally good-humored demeanor. He had the awe-striking ability of lifting her mood in mere seconds, and it had always put her on lighter spirits. She knew his good heart had always been there, only yearning to be discovered.

And so, being once more confronted by his face, his eyes, his smile, the pleasant sound of his voice, and his beautiful words of insight — which, granted, were still reverberating inside her brain — she was able to come to the conclusion that she was still utterly hopeless when it came to him.

Over and above her lingering feelings and recent realizations, Kara caught herself wondering the status of their relationship in the odd reality she was found in. Were they barely acquaintances like when he'd come back from the future? Had they managed to restore their friendship? Were they something more?

The persistent questions were driving her crazy.

He had seemed so protective when she introduced Mxy...

Was it mere pride? Was he just bothered by his provoking presence? Perhaps it was pure wishful thinking, but she thought she saw more than that.

Mon-El wasn't the same jealous, egotistical man he had once been. Once presented with the logical reasoning and explanations, he'd forgiven the mystical being, — albeit hesitantly — and compromised to work alongside him, for the world's sake (and just perhaps hers as well).

She couldn't help from allowing her heart to skip a beat at the thought.

Regardless of how much she wanted it, it wasn't her reality, her life, and she couldn't let herself get lost in such unstable expectations. It was way too risky.

All of her thoughts were interrupted once the subject responsible for such a distraction pulled her to the side, his forehead creased with worry lines.

"Hey," he called, reaching for her hands. "Are you okay?" His voice was calming, resembling the one he'd previously used to provide her advice, with a hint of sweetness added.

"I'm fine..." she replied, absentmindedly. She had been so used to assuring that everyone around her was happy and safe that she often forgot to acknowledge craziness she was constantly going through. The girl had witnessed her entire world die, felt the excruciating loss of her mother (twice) and father, watched the one man she'd ever loved leave her one time after another, faced near death experiences, sacrificed herself for a greater good more times than one would remember, and still got up every day, put on a cape, and continued doing whatever the world needed her to do. Heedless of the evident traumas she'd been forced to cope with, she was always putting everything and everyone before her own self. Somehow, there were still people who dared to call her selfish, lying, two-faced, amongst others.

Nevertheless, Mon-El was able to see right through her, his gaze was piercing when he, knowingly, ducked his chin to get her to look at him. His eyebrows were raised, as if he were silently asking her to save him the trouble of pressing her further, for she wouldn't accomplish to fool him, and he wasn't about to let it go. She settled on telling him part of the truth.

"It's just..." Kara bit her lip, pondering. "This whole thing with Lena has been weighing on me for a long time now. Plus, with Mxy being here... it just makes everything even crazier."

"I'm sorry you have to go through this, you deserve none of it." He brought his hands to her upper arms, caressing them softly. His lips formed a half-smile, while his eyes were unable to focus on her. "I wish I could just make all your problems go away, so that you wouldn't have to suffer for... so many things that aren't... that aren't even your fault." He shut his eyes close, appearing to be genuinely hurt by seeing her ache. Upon uttering those words, he seemed to have found the strength to divert his eyes from the ground, staring deeply into hers. "But unfortunately, I can't. All I can do right now is tell you that I'll be by your side, no matter how this goes, and whenever you feel like you need some extra strength, you can just borrow from mine. I promise you; I won't mind."

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