"That's great news, have you thought about what your naming her?"

"No were clueless" I said

"Inshallah you'll give her a beautiful name" He said

"Alhamdilulah" I said. I was able to talk to a few more people, and enjoyed seeing my family, It was actually so great. It was like a massive family reunion.

Amiras *POV*

The party was going well so far, I couldn't wait to surprise Jahmaine with his present. This is something he'd been talking about for a long time so me and Mustafa thought of an amazing way to surprise him. The waitress came along and took our orders, I ordered a traditional Saudi dish, Al Kabsa. As we ate I looked over at Laila who was looking really uncomfortable, I then gestured for her to come over.

"Asalam aleikum" Laila said coming over to me hugging me tightly.

"Waleikum salam, what's up?" I asked

"Nothing much" she said "Can I talk with you outside for a bit please" she said in a worried tone. I then looked around and everyone looked busy.

"Yeah sure babe" I said getting up. I then followed Laila outside. "Whats wrong?" I asked. Before I could even finish my sentence Laila leaped into my arms crying. "Laila, talk to me" I said, this time I was worried.

"I didn't know who else to go to" she said

"What's wrong?" I said "please tell me"

"Amira I don't know what to do anymore" she began "Why did I marry into this family"

"Laila why are you speaking like that? What's wrong?"

"Its Raheem!" She shouted

"What about him?"

"he-he-he-" she stuttered "he hurts me"

"He hurts you-what do you mean he hurts you"

"He hits me and he forces me to do things and he hurts me and I can't take it anymore" she said crying. I could not believe what I was hearing. My cousin gets beat by her husband? Raheem didn't seem like that type of guy, I was trying my best not to get mad, but it was so hard.

"How does he hurt you? Laila, I need to know and when did it start" I said

"It started 2 months after our wedding, he pushed me and I banged my head" she said. "From there it got worse, and he started slapping me and kicking me, he chucks hard objects at me too and I'm scared his gonna kill me" she said crying

"Okay Laila, Laila why are you still with him? I can't let you go home with this guy"

"No Amira, he can't know you know, he can't know anyone knows" she said

"Laila, your crazy if you think I'm letting you go home with him" I said angrily "your coming with me to my mums"

"No Amira please" she said shaking "Amira his gonna hurt me"

"He ain't going to hurt you, I promise you he won't hurt you" I said. "I need to tell my dad, or Abu, Jahmaine or someone that can walk with you" I said

"Bu-" she began

"Laila you need to understand why I need to do this, please" I said. She then nodded.

"I'm scared Amira" she said.

"You can sit near me" I said. We both then went into the restaurant and I was holding back my anger.  Laila swapped seats with Mustafa and sat in between Me and Aisha.

"Your gonna be okay" I said putting my arm around her, she then nodded but was still slightly shaking. I then felt Abu grab my hand and pull me towards him.

"What's wrong with her?" He whispered in my ear

"Nothing" I replied.

"I Know there's something wrong. And I want to know now please" he said. I then looked at Laila and looked at how defenseless she was, I couldn't do much seeing I was pregnant.

"Abu if I tell you, your gonna end up going crazy." I Said

"tell me" he said. I then turned around and saw Raheem near Laila.

"Get away from her!" I shouted

"Amira?" Jahmaine said looking at me confused

"Tell me what's going on now" Abu demanded.

"Its Raheem" I shouted "You and Maryam are both so messed up!"

"Amira stop" Jahmaine said

"Amira I have no idea what your talking about?" Raheem said

"Yes you do, don't try play innocent" I said

"I want to know whats going on!" My dad said standing up

"Im so sorry Laila. I have no choice" I said

"Amira I think you need to calm down-" Raheem started

"No! Your the one that needs to calm down, becasue everyone this man here that we call Lailas amazing so called husband ain't really what he seems" I said

"What do you mean?" Abu asked, slightly clentching his fists.

"He beats her!" I shouted. "Raheem beats her" There was then a short pause, until Abu exploded.

"I could kill yo-!" Abu said running towards Raheem, he grabbed hold of Raheems shirt and punched him directly in the face, Laila then came and stood near me. Jahmaine and Mustafa then quickly got up and held Abu back.

"Abu, stop!" Laila shouted.

"What Raheem? Beat me instead, beat me!" Abu shouted while Jahmaine and Mustafa pulled him back.

"Lets go to the car" I said to Laila, I then slowly walked her to the car and we sat inside. "Laila, Raheem isn't going anywhere near you, I promise you"

"Why did you tell them?" Laila said

"Because then no one would be able to protect you, I can't do much Laila, look at me I'm heavily pregnant" I said "Laila, what he did to you, is so wrong. Men that beat their wives are cowards. I don't understand how you were able to put up with it for so long." I said

"Neither do I. I just wanted it to be over, I haven't been out of the house for 3 months, so I felt that maybe Jahmaines party would be my escape. Oh no! I've ruined Jahmaines party" Laila said

"Hey, that doesn't matter, he has another like 70 parties to go through" I joked, she then slowly laughed.

"I've got this feeling in my stomach" Laila said "This awful feeling, and I can't stop shaking"

"Maybe it's anxiety" I said "It definately is, you just had a shock and this is how your bodys reacting"

"I just want it to be over." she said closing her eyes "I just wish I could go back to that day, and made sure I said the right stuff so he wouldn't hit me"

"Hey, It ain't your fault. Laila it's over, he won't touch you" I said "I promise you he won't touch you."

That whole week was deranged, but it slowly got better. Laila was staying with her sister Prisca for a bit just until she settled, then she would come live with my mum and daf for a bit. We were doing everything we can to keep Raheem away from Laila. She told us how she would divorce him as soon as he got back. Im just sad her marriage didn't last.

Me and Mustafa were able to surprise Jahmaine with his late birthday present. We got him a brand new car, something he'd been talking about for ages. I'd never seen him so happy, his reaction was priceless that I had to video tape it. He would not let anyone near the car, and literally cleaned it everyday. I was nearly 8 months pregnant now, meaning I would be giving birth any time from now.

Was I scared? Yes Was I excited? Yes, Was I prepared? Kind of. I just had to sit back and wait for my baby girl to come through.

Next epsisodes:

-Maryams  back
-Laila divorces Raheem
-Someone ends up injured badly in hospital
-Amira faces a big decision and finds out the truth

Don't miss the new years special

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