01. Free Booze

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This is not Rue Bennett's story. Sure, she may have almost died and spent the summer in rehab, but this was Fawn Dominguez's time to shine. Sure, she was a little self-involved, but when you get down to it, she's a victim. You don't even have to dig that deep. She spent the summer in therapy where she met her new best friend who tried to kill herself (as most kids do at shitty mental health facilities in the middle of nowhere where they mainly just want you to kill yourself so they don't have to worry about you wanting to kill yourself anymore). Fawn didn't want to kill herself, though, she just wanted to forget. Apparently, wanting that was a bad thing. Girls were supposed to learn from their trauma, but what the fuck was Fawn supposed to learn from this? That good girls get violated and bad boys go to Notre Dame on a full-ride? Yeah, that was a lesson she would have skipped if she could.

At least she got Sylvia out of it, though.

"Doesn't Maddy have a boyfriend?" Sylvia asked, falling onto Fawn's bed as she was glued to her phone texting the aforementioned girl.

"They're on a break and she's having a crisis so I feel like I'm definitely gonna get some pussy at McKay's party tonight," Fawn spoke casually, her eyes not lifting from the screen as Maddy texted her.

Sylvia laughed, wrapping her arms around Fawn's waist and leaning her head on her shoulder so she could read the screen, "Yeah, but like, Nate's gonna be there. You really wanna piss of Nate? He'll beat you up."

"He can try his fucking best," the red-haired girl scoffed, "He's literally such a pussy."

"A pussy that's 6'5" and a football player," Sylvia argued, but there was hardly an ounce of seriousness behind her voice, "but for real, be careful who you're fucking with. Straight girls with on and off again boyfriends pretty much are wrapped in a giant red flag."

Fawn laughed as she plopped back down on the bed, lying flat on her back as Sylvia took her place next to her. Chuckling, she said, "You take everything so seriously! There's nothing wrong with having a bit of fun. Besides... if Maddy gets back with Nate, I'll always have you, won't I?"

"You're lucky," Sylvia giggled as she pressed a chaste kiss to Fawn's lips before falling onto her back once again, "What would you do without me?"

"I would completely lack serotonin, that's for sure," the golden-skinned girl shrugged as she picked up her phone once again, waiting for a text from Maddy. The girl was currently freaking out about Nate being at the party tonight and Fawn would be lying if she cared about the girl's problems -- all she really wanted was a quick fuck. She was fairly sure she had made that clear with Maddy, but that didn't stop her from talking about her boy troubles anyway.

DEVIL HORNS ― Maddy PerezWhere stories live. Discover now