As mew bought his clothes to change from his room... they both were on the bed lying straight..

Gulf was shy , but he wanted mew to hold him and sleep..

Mew wanted to tease gulf as he wanted gulf to take the step...

It was 10 min as they were at their same position...

Gulf started to wonder and thought...
"Why is he not doing anything.. maybe I was rude to tell him.. about not doing anything... Is he angry at me???? Ohh... god.. should I... oh...god what should I do I really want go hold him and sleep...."

Gulf then thought to be courageous and moved his and to keep it in mew's...

Mew opned his eyes slightly and saw gulf...and smiled...

"Now... who is stupid...???"

"I dint say that we cannot hold hands..."

Mew chuckled and pulled gulf close to him and hugged him..
Gulf face was placed at mew's chest and he hugged mew back...

Mew's arm were gulf's pillow as his head was rested on mew's arm... they hugged each other tightly...


"Sleep well... I know you work very hard... just remember one thing I promise you that I will  never do anything without your permission..."

"I know mew... I just want you to be with me always..."

" I will be gulf... just rest well good night..."

Mew kissed at gulf's forehand...and gulf smiled and they both went to their sweet sleep...

The next morning mew was sleeping and he noticed that gulf was not beside him... he got up to see where gulf was... as he came out he saw that gulf was already ready to go to university and was plating breakfast...

Gulf saw mew and he smiled at him...

"Good morning... I was about to wake you up..."

"Its still so early... for university "

"Ya I know but today I am visiting to a project manager of a brand with mild it will help me a lot..."

"Wow great..."

Mew and gulf had their breakfast...

Gulf was putting his shoes on as mild was about to come to pick him up...

"Why don't to take my car??"

"Its ok mew... mild has a car and we always travel together... so no issues..."

"Is mild is also placed with you for internship...??"

"No .. he was selected at another company..."

"By the way what is your company name... I Still didn't know...that..."


As gulf was about to answer his door bell rang..  and he grabbing his things rushed out...

"Bye...mew .. will see at evening..."

"Bye.. have a nice day.. "

Mew gave a flying kiss and gulf smiled..
Mild nodded his head to be third wheel in this lovey dovey situation...


As two weeks passed it was the day... when mew had his work to be done...

Gulf had his first internship day too...

Both mew and gulf got ready... mew had made breakfast for them... and gulf came to mew's room...

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