The interview and lizard

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I woke with a throbbing headache and a tingling sensation I sat up rubbing my head I must've had my uncles special cocktail again then I noticed something I looked around and noticed I was in a white room with a two way mirror on one side as I looked around I noticed that my cloth had changed I was no long wearing the cloth I was wearing when I had got here now I was in a orange jail type jump suit with an odd logo.

My mind still trying to figure out what's going on when it happen I started to freak out "h-hey what's going on?! Why am I in here?!" I heard clanking and saw my wrist were in handcuffs hooked to the table "hey what gives you can't do this I know my rights?!" I screamed as I looked at the window seeing enough crime/comedy show to know "let me go dame it!" I heard a buzz and saw dr clef come in and sat down "hey bud how you fell?" He asked like if this was a normal meeting angry at his question I started to get real pissed "how am I feeling?" "THE FUCK DO YOU THINK HOW DO I FEEL?!" I tried to reach for him to throttle him.

He leaned back a little "now calm down I know your confused and I can see your a little bit angry" I was still "A LITTLE?!" "YOU KIDNAPPED ME!" "Please just calm down a little and let's talk and I'll answer your questions the best as I can" i took a deep breath and calmed down "ok one why am I dressed like this two why am I chained up three why am I still here!? You said you erase my memory and let me go!"

He sighed "well one all human non personal are required to wear that two chaining you is a safe bet and three I'm afraid the reason your still here is because you have be classified as an scp more precise scp-2-7-00 you can't leave I'm sorry"

"Scp you mean like that thing that tried to turn me into a science experiment?!" "I'm human just like you can't keep me here I have rights!" "I know if I was in your situation I'd feel exactly how you feel but I'm afraid we can't let you stay out there it the foundations mission to keep anomalous people and things like you out of the world" "what you think I'm a danger to humanity I came to you guys to get away from people that tried to kill me!"

"I know but it's out of my hands if it makes you feel better if it were up to me I'd let you go" I sighed in defeat "so what happens me now I'm thrown into some white room alone and only let out to be experimented on."

"kinda your gonna be put in a special containment based on your scp classification currently your a safe class meaning your not much of a threat there are two other classifications that being Euclid and ketter"

"So what now?" I asked "well since your a normal-ish human scp you are given intensive for your corporation now will give you back two items that we confiscated now and give you more the more you corporate "my phone and pocket knife" he smile and nod to the window then a guard walked in with the two items and hand them to the doctors.

"now I'll give them to you now if you do a experiment what do you say?" I thought about it for a sec "fine" he smiled and slide them to me "unlock him" the doctor told the guard and he unlocked the cuffs I rubbed my wrist and got up to stretch pocketing the items "follow me" clef said and I did as we walked down the hallways I asked a question "so are all these rooms filled with those monsters called scps?"

"Yes some very dangers some are holding cells for D-class personal" "what are D-class?" I asked "death row inmates" I gulped we came to a large pair of doors "I'll be watching you from the observation room so don't worry" the doors opened and walked through a normal size door I walked in and saw a pool of green liquid "be prepared to meet scp-682" I heard clef over a loud speaker then some of the liquid started to drain away and a large green creature showed itself it made groaning noises as a pair of yellow eyes focused on me I felt my blood run cold as I start to shake "another one sent to in vain ask about me" it said in a deep voice "no your different you are like me something they wanted to lock up because they see you as a threat to humans yet you don't look like you can even hurt a fly" still scared I squeak out a answer "y-yeah" he chucked.

"Do you know why? What is your property" he asked getting a little closer "I-I don't know I was brought here after a dr named bright brought me here because I wanted help get away from some people called the GOC and then apparently surviving meet a statue that kills and some dude in a plague doctor outfit "hmm I know what you speak of I have meet them before and I don't like the statue I'm indifferent to the doctor" he said "really?" I asked starting to slightly relax.

In the observation room clef and some other doctors were watch "are you sure we should let them talk it might not end well" one of the researchers said "I'm sure it'll be fine begin the experiment" clef said the researchers nod "sniper take your positions."

"As I continued to talk to 682 I noticed two guys with sniper rifles pointed at the lizard and I don't know why but I had to warn him "look out!" But as he noticed the two took a shot taking out his eyes he let out a loud roar I covered my ear and saw him thrash he fell back in the liquid witch sent a large wave of it and that was the last thing I saw before blacking out when I came to I saw I was surrounded by darkness before I started to freak out I noticed a zipper? I was in a body bag! They could've checked to see if I was alive before putting me in here!"

I pulled out my knife and pulled out a blade and cut my way out I got out and took a deep breath "gees you could've at less check to see if I was dead!" I stood up and dusted myself off and noticed that the top half of my cloth was gone? "What the hell?" I mumbled I looked up to see clef some other doctors and guards looking at me funny they look like they just saw the dead rise form the grave!

"What? what you looking at?" Clef walked up to me and started to poke me I slapped his hand "hey I don't swing that way!" Thinking he was hitting on me "your alive" he said "yeah I'm alive gees your acting like you just saw the dead come to live!" "You were dead!" He said "what?" I asked confused "look you have the ability to nullify other scps the statue kills anyone who isn't looking at it and you didn't die when the plague doctor grabbed and tried to put you to sleep that's why we had you meet 682 we thought with your ability we could kill it but I guess you only nullify anything that could harm you as to why you thought you died well" he should me a picture and I almost threw up "yeah so I guess we'll add regeneration to your file I guess all I can say if welcome to the scp family!" He nervously chuckle I passed out

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