I.M.P containment pt.2

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After getting back to the foundation I quickly caught up with the containment team I nod to Cliff as we continue down the hall to there containment cell.

"What is this place?" Moxie asked "your new home" Cliff said "you know the last time some kind of men in black guys tried to hold us didn't end well for them" the tall warned "and who would that be" I asked "I think they when by d.h.o.r.k? I think" the female red one said I think I heard her name is Millie.

Cliff chuckled "ha those guys are a joke the U.I.U are better at containment then those guys" Cliff said "well trust me when I say you ain't getting out without getting shot" Cliff said.

The tall one smirked "oh we'll see" he chuckled "I got a bad feeling at that chuckle" I said "same" Cliff said.

(In D-class housing)

The head guard was doing a round when a guard came up "sir the cultist D-class are acting odd and are drawing something on the ground" he explained "shit. All guard to block 8!" He spoke into a walkie talkie.

They quickly all the guard move into positions "bust it open!" The head guard command the door was opened as they rushed into a darken room "everyone on your knees!" He called the cultists where surrounded a symbol on the ground in a daze one in the middle of the symbol chuckled "your too late!" As there was whispering  and the one in the symbol shock as out of his mouth as a black and red mass come out of his mouth.

And rose was black and red four eyed creature screeched "CONTAINMENT BREACHED!!!" He yelled into the walkie-talkie "OPEN FIRE!" He yelled as a siren blared and red light blinked then they began shooting at it as the bullets did nothing.

(Back with jay and Cliff)

"A demon has been summoned in D-class housing all staff make your way to a emergency shelter!" "Shit hurry get these thing into containment cell!" Cliff yelled and he pulled out his shotgun the tall red one smirked "here he comes~" not lessening we all quicken or pace.

Then the creature busted trough a wall throwing us everywhere as D-class scrambled everywhere trying to escape the creature stared at them with a glare that turned them into stone jay and Cliff hid as guards and MTF storm the area engaging the demon.

In the confusion blitz noticed the keys smirking he grabbed them and unlocked himself and the others "alright gang arm yourself and get the book back!" "On it boss!" Millie grabbed a pistol and started to open fire while blitz grabbed a rifle and opened fire as well loona started to go savage on the guards moxie was having trouble finding a gun in the rubble "come on, come on" guards came up with guns pointed at him "stay down!" One said.

Without looking moxie grabbed something with a handle and pulled out a baton "oh come on!" He said he pointed at them with it "back off I know how to use this!" The guards pulled out a extending baton...a stun baton "oh crumbs"

Jay and Cliff where hiding behind some cover with some MTF and guard Cliff stuck up and fired at the demon before hiding again. "Shit that demon is dangerous some of our guys are injured and almost out of ammo got any ideas?" He asked reloading his shotgun.

Thinking I look and noticed it turning more escaping D-class into stone then a idea came to mind "I got it I'll blind him then try to use my powers on it try to nullify it!" Cliff nod and ordered the guard and MTF to focus on the other four creatures.

I the ran towards the demon "hey demon over here!!" It turned towards me "hmph. Foolish human" it growled and glared at me.

Blitz saw me run towards stolas and smirked "too easy and aimed at him but got to cover when the guards and MTF started to focus fire on I.M.P

I pretend to slowly turn to stone while getting closer when I got close enough I smirked "yeah that doesn't work on me!" Both the demon and other four where shocked "WHAT!" They all said.

"HA wide open!" I jumped and jammed four fingers into all four of his eyes he yelled in pain.

Shocked blitz yelled out "STOLAS!!!" "NOW!" Cliff yelled out as the guards and MTF swarmed I.M.P and contained them.

Holding out his hands jay concentrated and chains made of green energy flew out and rapped themselves around the demon it struggled as it shrunk and turned into a bipedal owl then MTF contacted the owl cuffs and neck restrains stolas after regaining his senses seeing what's happening he tried using his powers to attack jay but it didn't work they weren't working!

He was shocked blitz called out "stolas I don't know what happened but kill them and get us back to hell already!!"

"Blitzy I can't, this human is somehow suppressing the powers of a goetia no human has ever done that before!" He said shocked all of I.M.P was shock "WHAT!!" The all said shock.

"Hey Cliff you hear all that?" Jay asked "Yes. Back to Hell and Goetia family. Goetia one of the 72 Demon God Pillars of the King of Israel Solomon. Take the red and wolf creatures to containment since they dont have magical powers unlike the Owl one and Jay continue to use your powers on him since we don't have a containment cell made for him yet and also I will contact Bright, Right and the others and also talk to the O5 Councils about this."

Jay nod "got it doc and I'm curious about hell the tall one just said." As I.M.P was taken away stolas and blitzo shared one more look stolas mouthed "I'm sorry blitzy" as he slumped down to his knees in defeat.

As they continue to there cell Cliff turned and told blitzo "like I said nothing escapes from us" and they were put into there containment cell blitz tried to rush the door but it closed on him before he could try anything he growled and punched the door "damn never thought it end like this putting his back to the door and slid down and sighed.

(Thanks again for reading this chapter and I think this experiment was a success and a big special thanks to user63186419 for giving me the majority of ideas for this part and I've got some more ideas with I.M.P and some other things I'd like to try I'll give you a hint in the next chapter.)

(Thanks for reading remember to like comments and remember to smile they'll make someone's day)

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