Ghosts and robots pt1

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I watched as trees and cars go by board out of my mind and I don't even know where I'm going one minute I'm playing total war warhammer the next I'm told i'm needed for a mission.

But instead of working with clef, rights or bright I'm working with an agent named Isaac "where are we going?" I asked he slightly turned to me "where going to a town called Amity Park this town has a family that are expert in ghost hunting" I look at him confused "why do we need experts in ghost hunting where the foundation don't we haven a lot of those?"

His slight smile didn't leave as he said "well there are somethings that are a need to know bases but we've been watching them for a while and with you, you'll make things much easier" I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok" we pulled up to a building with a bunch of stuff hanging off of it we walked up and Isaac knock as a big man in a orange jumpsuit opened the door "hello Mr.Fenton may we come in we like to you and talk about an job opportunity" he smiled "well that's amazing please come in! Maddie, kids come here we have company!" Two teens and a woman in a blue jumpsuit came into the living room.

"Mr and mrs fenton me and my partner work for an organization known as the scp foundation and we like to bring you into the foundation due to your families expertise the job will allow your expertise and inventions all over the country and the world" the two parents looked excited "wow that amazing the Fentons are moving up in the world!" Mr Fenton said.

"We like to see your inventions" Isaac said "of course this way!" Fenton lead us to a basement with various tech and a big door thing in the wall and Isaac noticed it two and smiled a little more "while all this stuff is very interesting i'd like to know what that is?" He pointed at object.

"That is the Fenton portal it'll open a portal to the ghost zone where all the ghost we captured will go!" I was surprised and a little suspicious about what Isaac had planned "may we see it on?" Isaac asked The kid with black hair tensed up I raised an eyebrow "well we've some problems with it but sure!"

He walked over to the panel then the black haired kid then said "uh dad maybe-" before he could finished the door open to a green swirl as a green ghost that looks like a female genie "crud" the kid said.

"Thank you for freeing me!" She tried to fly away "oh no you don't!" I threw one of my energy chain and caught her and tugged her down "nice try" she struggled to get out of my chains but no dice "great czars ghost! How did you do that?! Are you part ghost?" Mr Fenton asked as him and his wife when over me with various tech. "Uh no I'm an scp the thing the foundation contains the ghost over here would be considered as one" I explained.

"Well Mr and Mrs Fenton well you consider joining the foundation your tech will be a big help to containing ghost like this one if you agree we'll need your help with a anomaly nearby" the two parents smile "were in!" They said at the same times Mr. Fenton then yelled out "Danny take care of the ghost and get ready for the job!" Then and the girl when up.

Leaving me, Isaac and Danny in the basement Danny sighed and pulled out a thermos and opened the cap and the ghost was sucked up he hocked it up to the machine and the ghost was thrown back into the ghost zone "well that was quite the tech Danny or should I say the ghost hero of amity park" he seemed shocked "what are you talking about?" He asked "don't play dumb we work for the scp foundation we know lots of things" then it clicked for me "this is why you brought me to bring him in wasn't it" I asked.

"Well partly but we're hoping you Danny will join us willingly I mean we'll do lots of stuff but we're not completely heartless!" He said with that simple smile still on his face "and if I don't agree to join?" Danny asked "it's in your best interest to join us Mr Fenton or your parents may get some "tough jobs"."

He emphasized tough jobs "so black mail huh fine I'm in though I won't like it" Danny said "that's the spirt but don't worry Danny everything will be fine!" Isaac said and walked out "uh if it help I didn't know what was going on" I said tried to be friendly.

"What ever let's just get this over with" Danny walk out with me following behind after a while when got to this castle like house with foundation vehicles following behind us.

We all got out as the foundation MTF getting ready "Vlad place?" Maddie asked confused "unfortunately yes he's an anomaly able to turn himself into ghost" the two parents are shock "how do you know?" Jack asked not getting an answer as they walked up to the door with MTF ready to break down the door.

A unit used a battering ram to break down the door and we all when rushing in "alright everyone let's do this by the book don't look anywhere with out someone he can posses your body he stopped Danny while everyone starts looking around.

"And you be ready to what is it you say 'going ghost?'" Isaac told him Danny narrowed his eyes "got it" me and Isaac walked around looking at Vlads stuff "man this guy love the Green Bay packers" thinking it's weird how this guy has this big house and yet he's got all this football stuff" Isaac asked "well what's your favorite team" "I'm more of a college football fan.

We looked through a room and found a secret door we walked down to a secret room and come face to face with Vlad "well I knew sooner or later the foundation would come after me!" He crossed his arms.

"Well why don't you come with us quietly and make it easy on everyone hmm?" Isaac asked his smile never fading Vlad changed into his ghost form and shot an energy blast.

I quickly got in front of Isaac and used my chain to slice through it "you need to work on your negotiation skills" I said.

Danny and his sister we're looking around "I can't believe he's blackmailing me to work for this foundation!" There was rumblings as I go flying through the floor with Vlad holding me.

I punched him away I throw my chain around him and tossed him and chase him "welp looks like I'm going ghost!" Danny transformed and followed as Vlad and I continue to fight MTF try to contain him but get thrown around.

I used my hammer to bash him in the face and Danny joined "so Danny you decided to join the foundation and joined these people who would do anything to catch there little anomalies!" He try to attack Danny to witch he dogged these attacks "it's not exactly my idea Vlad!"

Maddie and Jack came into the room surprised to see another ghost "another ghost?! Two for the price of one!" Jack exclaimed Isaac stop them from attacking who they don't know is there son.

"Don't worry the one in black is with us just make sure Vlad is captured" the two nod I used my chain to grab him while Danny blasted him then I pulled him back and swung him around tossing him into a wall.

Before Vlad could do anything Vlad was grabbed by Jack using gauntlets and Maddie used a restraining weapon to incapacitate Vlad.

I used my powers to cause Vlad to turn back human MTF quickly took him away "well done everyone I'm impressed and this was a great plan by the 0-5 now Mr Fenton you and your family will report to the site near by." While Isaac was talking Danny snuck away and turned back and snuck in.

While the family walked off he told Danny "and you'll be called for special missions" Danny narrowed his eyes "oh joy" and walked to join his family. I walked with Isaac to the car and when we got Isaac told me "don't get comfortable yet we still got another town to go to."

(Thanks for reading another chapter hopefully you liked it remember to like and comment and remember to smile they'll make someone's day!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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