She Was An Innocent Girl (Final Chapter *sniffle*)

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I WILL make this a long one, considering I've got a lot to put into it. This time, you'll actually be able to read more than one page for a chapter! (About time.)

Thank you guys for reading this for so long...and for dealing with my delayed updates all of the time... (I've never truly finished a multi-chapter story before, considering the ones I have finished have been parts of series...I don't know what to type here...) Um...yeah...




There was Alex. There were Mr. Harrison and those damn prosecutors. There was Drew's mom - her dad, too.There was Frank. And there was the most guilty of them all...Those seven are the reasons why Drew lost the chance to just be, you know...normal.

Let's start with Alex. I've heard the story. She was told that she was the "prime" suspect in Jin Yasir's murder, she wanted to vent about it to Alex...yeah, yeah, I've heard it many times from both Adam and him. I stopped listening to his rants about how guilty he's felt. It got old after ten straight days of him crying and apologizing and sounding like a fucking chicken wuss. ...I know, I sound like an asshole for saying that in this situation, but as previously mentioned, he is one of the seven holding responsibility for how things have turned out for Drew.

He screwed the girl next door. He wasn't the first to betray Drew's trust, but his was the first act of betrayal that she discovered. She never wanted to come to Harrison - she shouldn't have come to Harrison, but she chose to because she wanted to escape from her cheating boyfriend. If Alex hadn't screwed the blonde bimbo next door, she'd still be okay. Drew might have gotten the life she wasn't supposed to avoid.

So it's probably obvious how things turned out for Alex. He's fine, besides the aforementioned guilty feeling. When he and Noah saw Adam, Drew, and I being rolled out on gurneys, Alex almost lost it. And when he heard the news...that was when the days of chicken-wussery began.

Alex is partially to blame. He has partial responsibility in Drew's fate. But he's not the only one.

Mr. Harrison's involvement began with the prosecuters in the case of Jin Yasir's murder, as do the roles of Drew's parents.

They knew it was me. Well...the prosecutors correctly believed at first, then everything just went on from there.

The prosecutors who were attempting to find the evidence to convict me in Jin Yasir's murder found out that I was heading to Harrison. That certainly helped their case, undoubtedly. Some anti-social kid who was going to a juvenile delinquent boarding school for assaulting a group of guys, had something against Yasir, and had just lost his mother to suicide thanks to Yasir? I was the perfect suspect, especially considering I was the guilty one as well.

As long as I'm going off topic for a moment...yes, I was originally sent to Harrison for pummeling some of my classmates until they were nearly comatose. My reason for that was simple: they mocked my mother. It happened soon after her suicide, so I was still pretty raw emotionally. And, well...they asked for it! They were saying that I deserved to be alone, that she deserved to die for producing an asshole like me, shit like that... Anyway, I beat the crap out of them, and Jin Yasir was killed soon after. If the prosecutors exploited all of that information, they would have their killer convicted; they were probably already planning their victory party.

So the prosecuting team called up Mr. Harrison and explained their case against his incoming student. From what I've discovered, the lawyers wanted even more evidence that I was an insane son of a bitch who should be locked up from society - like I hadn't been keeping myself from society without them. He was happy to oblige - for what could be better for the community than getting a pugnacious murderer beind bars? - but this little conspiracy had a few holes that needed to be filled. First off, how would I show my real, crazy self in an enviornment where showing your true colors could potentially put you in deep shit - just look at what happened to Drew: she never was able to cover up her innocence, and now... Damnit Zane, you're going off topic again! Anyway, secondly, even if any of my peers came to know the real me, who would step forward? After all, we were all a bunch of insane sons of bitches who should be locked up from society; juvenile criminals have to stick together. Who would be enough of a law-abiding citizen to choose to testify my violent mind? Why, a law-abiding citizen, of course! And who better than the girl who was also anti-social, wouldn't be missed by her peers, and had no reason to lie to investigators or to hide her potential observations of my craziness? And while they're at it, why not force the innocent-girl and the criminal to get acquainted by assigning them to each other as roommates; like that wasn't taken from cliche teenage girl boarding school stories on the internet.

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