-23 I'm an Innocent Girl Thrown Into a Boarding School for Badass Boys. Great...

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Here ya go! You know, I'm actually happy I took that break.

And now...ON TO THE STORY!!


"Oh, my God," I breathed. "That was you?"

Slowly, Zane nodded.

I remembered. Back home, there was a boy. He was in my grade - a few months older than me - and he was in...I didn't know how many of my class. We never really spoke to each other. We were similar in one main way: neither of us talked to many people. We often sat in the back of the room, in our own isolated corner. Our teachers rarely partnered me with him - probably to force us to make friends with 'normal' people. If we were partnered up, we would've just sat in the corner of the room, speaking as little as possible.

I knew he was there, but I preferred not to associate myself with him. First of all, because I just preferred not to associate myself with anybody. Also, it was because of the obvious differece between us:

He was a lot more violent. He often had to be sent down to the principal's office - and later detention - for threatening to punch someone in the face. Occasionally, I would be the target. He must have thought I was mocking him. And occasionally, he actually would punch someone in the face. I tried not to watch the fights by just staying in my seat. After Alex became my boyfriend, he made himself the one that reports what was going on with that boy or anyone else. In other words, he was the gossip girl. I wasn't. I was the anti-social girl who didn't care but wouldn't say anything. That was back when I was still nice and innocent.

And when I was nice and innocent, I didn't pay any attention to the boy. Now I did.

That boy was my roommate.

That boy was my boyfriend.

That boy was Zane.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked sternly.

He glanced down at his feet for a second. "You knew me as the creepy guy who kept telling everybody that he was going to kick their ass. You never would have wanted to talk to me when you came here."


"And you still wouldn't have wanted to talk to me if you knew that I am the reason for why you're --" Zane abruptly froze mid-sentence. After waiting for three minutes, I came to the conclusion that he was not going to finish his thought.

What was he talking about? This was what I meant when I wanted to get to know him. He kept too much from me. It's pretty damn obvious why. He thought that I wouldn't want to be around him if he tells me. But it was worse when I had to figure out myself. If I had to figure things out myself, that tells a lot about our relationship. I'd confessed so many facts about my life to him, Noah and Adam.

And, looking back, Zane is the one out of those three that tells me the least. That was part of the reason for why I was more comfortable telling Adam or Noah before Zane. I trusted them more. We shared more.

I didn't want to figure out what he meant. Especially when it was so vague.

"Reason for what?" I finally questioned.

He hesitated. Again.

"Just fucking tell me! I'm getting tired of all this silence from you!" Now I was about to threaten to punch him in the face. My hands clumped tightly into fists at my sides. My nails dug into my palms. I could feel marks forming.

Come on, Zane. I just got out of Isolation. I doubted that getting angry so soon after being released was very beneficial.

Zane's lips parted for a few seconds before closing. He sighed loudly. My right fist - my dominant hand - began to rise from my side. His blue eyes flashed down to it.

"I'm the reason why you're here," he said quickly. My hand remained at its altitude.

Good choice, I thought.

Now I wondered whether or not he would elaborate. When he didn't, I took a step towards him. He stayed where he was, not moving back. My fist rose until it was leveled with my eyes, his mouth.

"You wanted me to want to talk to you, right?" I began. "I won't want to be with you if you keep being so damn secretive."

He looked down at the ground again. Just as I was about to make my fist and his face collide in a spark of anger and red, his lips parted.

"How many times have you wondered about who really killed Jin Yasir?" Suddenly, I lowered my fist. "I think you know where I'm going with this."

My eyes widened. I stepped away from him. That's why he didn't want to tell me what he had done. Memories of him since I got here ran through my mind like a slideshow.

...Zane pressed the knife to my throat...

"Or I'll do the same I did to the others."

So, Zane would attempt to kill me just to get this secret out of me?

"Not again! He said he was done with the anger issues!"

He was the reason I was sent here. He was the reason my parents were so disappointed in me. He was the reason the police thought I was a murderer.

Because that's what Zane was. A murderer.

Zane knew I was scared of him. He tried to come closer to me, to tell me that there wasn't anything to be scared of. But I knew better.

I felt his hand run down my arm, intending to take hold of my hand. Before he could grab it, I swirled around. Blocking out his calls to me, I ran as fast as I could, as long as I could. I sprinted in the direction of our dorm room. I wanted to see Noah and Adam.

As I rushed away from Zane, I fought the urge to look behind me. It wasn't until much later that I realized that I'd wanted him to follow me.

Well, guess what? He didn't.


Finally, I can write the part of the story that I've wanted to write for five months.

Didn't you guys LOVE getting to know Zane? Didn't you guys LOVE that little secret? Yeah, I'll elaborate more next time.

Man, I just keep on putting "flashbacks" in here, don't I?

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