Chapter Two

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Minuet's POV

The Avengers had their weapons pointed right at me. It reminded me of the video they released when they caught Loki after the battle of New York. All of them facing me with their weapons drawn. I slowly raised my hands in mock surrender. As soon as my violin was high enough, I put it under my chin and began to play. I started with A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. As I played I watched their eyes loose focus. They lowered their weapons and stared dreamily off into space. I smirked and edged around them still playing. There was a close call when I accidentally tripped over Thor's cape and stopped playing for a millisecond. But I started playing again and they all went back under the spell. I started to walk backwards towards the elevator, keeping my eyes on the Avengers. Suddenly I felt myself bump into something hard. I wheeled around and came face to face with a man in an all black suit. His black hair reaching his shoulders, his green eyes seemed to stare into my very soul. But the most shocking thing about him? He wasn't under my spell. With lighting fast speed he yanked my violin away from me and grabbed my arm. I tried to pull away from him but his grip was like iron. As soon as I stopped playing the spell on the Avengers broke. They all wheeled around to stare at me. The man who held me shoved me into Thor and grabbed my violin bow in one fluid motion. Thor reached out to catch me and grabbed my arms. He pulled them behind my back in an uncomfortable position. His hold was even stronger than the other mans.
"Jarvis?" Tony Stark asked. "How many rooms had she been through?"
"All of them sir." Jarvis's voice sounded almost British, but with a more robotic base.
"Wait," a girl with long brownish red hair stepped forward. "If she's been through all our rooms where is she hiding everything she took?" They all looked at me quizzically.
"Maybe we should strip search her." Tony joked. I glared at him. If he so much at brushed past me I would rip off his arms and beat him with them.
The man with black hair smiled to himself, as if he heard my thoughts. Strange.
"Let's not go there Stark." It was Natasha's turn to glare at him. "I'm sure her dress has some secret pockets that she's stored all the money in. There probably hidden near her legs. What we need to do is pat her down." The black haired man started forward but the first girl stopped him.
"I've got this Loki." Loki. So that's what his name was. Didn't he try and take over New York City last year? What was he doing here? The girl started to wave her hands around. A light red mist seemed to come out of them. The mist covers her hands and made its way towards me. It snaked through my dress, to the hidden pouches I had sown in. The mist opened the pouches and everything inside of them floated out. The Avengers gasped.
"How did she fit all that in those small pouches?" Bruce Banner mused.
"I'm more worried that most of that stuff was locked in safes that are practically impossible to crack." Tony seemed to stare at me in shock. I made a face at him. No one said I had to be mature.
"Jarvis, can you tell us what she took from each room?" Tony asked, still looking at me.
"I believe she took all the cash she could find in every room. I don't know how much she took from each. She took nothing from Thor's room. She searched through his trunk but took nothing." Thor shook his head. "She couldn't have gone through my trunk. I leave my hammer on top... of... it...." the Avengers seemed to understand what he was saying.
"Well let's go see if it's true." Clint Barton glared at me as if I stole his favorite book. Thor dragged me into his room, the rest of the Avengers followed and crowded the doorway. Thor released my arms and walked over to his trunk. He picked up the hammer and tossed it to me. I caught it. I studied it for a moment, then I whipped around and threw it at Thor. It bounced off his head momentarily stunning him. I called the hammer back and threw it at the window. As soon as the hammer hit it I jumped through the broken glass into the open air. This all happened in a course of about five seconds. I fell for a few stories before grabbing two secret straps on the sides of my dress. I pulled the straps, which extended into a pair of wings. I put on a burst of speed and took off deep into the concrete jungle.

A dangerous melody    Book one (Avengersfanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora