Look Out

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Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui try to confess their love for one another to their family. But something you may call an "akward situation" puts a small hault to their plans.

Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui were buzzing with excitement and nervousness. After a year and a half of being together they finally plucked up the courage to tell somebody other than Lan Jingyi.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji had not reacted the way they had expected. The Yiling Patriarch himself had screamed in delight hugging them both while yelling down their poor ears, may they rest in peace.

"OMG YOU FINALLY TOLD US! To your dear fathers you were as subtle as a drunk Lan Wangji's gayness!" The blush that had covered their faces was astounding. It would have put the red emblem of Qishan Wen to shame. "I'm so happy I'm gonna die!"

But enough about that! Those two weren't the main issue at hand at that current moment in time. The main issue was none other than the sect leader of Yungmeng Jiang, Jin Ling's uncle, Jiang Cheng himself.

Jin Ling was in Gusu Lan for the sole purpose of coming out to some the closet people to him along with his dear boyfriend whomst he loved dearly. They came on this specific date because of the meeting being held between the sects of Gusu Lan and Yungmeng Jiang. It was one of the few times when Jiang Cheng came to the Cloud Recesses and it was more convenient if they could get it over as soon as possible. Hence the aforementioned nervousness.

The meeting had just ended and it was nearly 8pm, an hour before Gusu Lan would lay down to rest. It was time to tell Lan Xichen. They figured ot would be easier if they had as many people in their corner as possible before they told Jiang Cheng incase he got angry or tried to split them apart. Jin Ling doubted he would, he knew his uncle loved him, but that didn't stop him from being scared. However, Jin Ling was stubborn and refused to back out now!

Jiang Cheng pov

Finally we were finished with sect leader business! I had waited anxiously for this meeting since I had decided to finally do it. I was going to confess to the love of my life!

Lan Xichen and I had just retreated to his private quarters for a (non alcoholic) drink and some casual chit-chat before I was to retreat to my own guest chamber for the night. To say I was scared would be an understatement, although to admit it out loud I would rather break my own legs. If anybody asks, you never read that!

Lan Xichen was sitting across the small table from me talking about the new and upcoming disciples when all of a sudden, drunk on nerves, I blurted out, "What do you think of your brother's relationship?"

Lan Xichen looked mildly stunned and amused. "Excuse me?"

"I... um..." God, he was so beautiful! Those sparkling eyes and the way they reflected the light of the flickering candles in his private quarters. The way his luscious dark hair fell over his shoulders and tumbled down his long, slender, well built figure. The joy in his smile as he watched me stutter and begin to make a fool of myself. I never lose my composure, but for this man I would gladly run through the Cloud Recesses singing some foreign lullaby whilst dressed in nothing but a loincloth. Not that it'll ever come to that!

"Yes...?" He cocked his head playfully.

"I mean the fact that he's with another guy..."

"Why?" Confusion had begun to show on his perfect features.

That was it. I was beggining to completely fall apart. I couldn't think straight (not that I could in the first place of you know what I mean). As my silence prolonged, I began to get more and more lost in the vortex of his eyes. Sensing my apprehension to speak, Lan Xichen rose from his chair, elegant white robes flowing around him like a god of beauty.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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