Chapter 5

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5r78u90=6t4Mia's POV :   I woke up to this strange person in front of me and they said "bubs are you ok we thought something happened to you" "wait wait wait who are you and why am i here whats going on" "bubs its me kouvr everbody else is here to do you wanna see them" "no i dont know who you are  and who is everbody else" " the hype house crew and if you dont wanna see ondreaz  you dont have too" " who is ondreaz"  "u-uh n-nobody i guess you forgot your memory but you can trust me mia and charlie can i bring them in" "y-yea i guess but only them no one else im not ready" " ok" 

Kouvr's POV : " Hey mia and charlie she only wants to see you guys and good going ondreaz she lost her meomry of all of us thanks alot you chose daisy over her mia is so perfect dont ever talk to me again"  "w-what i did'nt mea-" " well you did are you happy " " just go with daisy bro " thomas said "well we have to go in the room come on guys" we walk in the room and she was sitting up "hey bubs" i said "hey its char " " and the other mia over here " and we all laugh at the comment , its so nice to see her laugh after what everything went dont oh danmit she dont remmember  "hey do you wanna go back to the hype house only if u want to tho" "OMG your inviting me to the hype house of course i would love to i've never been there " "let me  go tell the other's" i walked out of the room and i told  them they were fine with it i walked back in the room and said " ok you ready" "yup" "do you need help" "yes thank you" i help her walk to the desk and singed her out then we walked to the car and got in tony drove and ondreaz was silent the whole time  

                      <END OF CAR RIDE>               We arrived at the hype house and we all went inside the house and  i said

"DAISYY!!!" "wait how do you remember" ondreaz asked " i remember everything " ondreaz came over to me and hugged me and i jumped " no dont touch me ondreaz and get way from me go be happy with aisy i dont care anymore you love her but she used you right so now you come running back to me to what get in bed with me and just run off to some other girl you know what i wish i did get raped that day cause it would've meant i never met you so i'll just leave for all of your sakes bye kouvr mia, and charlie you  have been so great to you i wish i could've done they same for you but obvislusly i cant all of you guys have been truely great to you but i gotta go my mother need me at home anyways " and with that i called in uber and it said it would be here in 15 minutes so i just went up to the room and brought charlie , kouvr , and mia and just talked to them

(10 minutes later )

My uber arrived so i went downstairs to see daisy and ondreqaz cuddling and daisy all over ondreaz it was a full make-out sesh  i scoffed and went to the kithen to see everyone there " hey guys i gotta go i appriciate everything you've done for me " i walk back to the living room "m-mia i didnt mean to please forgi-"  "it does'nt matter " wit that i walked out of the house and got in my uber

(skip car ride)

I arrived at my house and walked in
"Hey sweetie dinner is ready" " Sorry mom im just a bit to tired im gonna go tot bed" " oh ok sweetie its fine ill just out the food in the frig=dge goodningt i love you" " love you too mom " i walk upstairs and change into and overized t-dhirt and go to bed soon i drift off to sleep

Hey guys can you comment an idea for the next chapter caus ei dont know what to do so please comment and i hope you like this chapter also thank you guys for 245 reads it means so much to me sorry for the mispelling to

You saved me ~ Ondreaz lopezحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن