[6] it's only day one

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"First, no fighting with the other tributes. You'll have plenty of time for that in the arena" Atala said with a commanding voice.

"There were four compulsory exercises, the rest will be individual training. My advice is, don't ignore the survival skills. Everybody wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from natural causes. Ten percent from infection, twenty percent from dehydration; exposure can kill as easily as a knife."

The tributes were then disbatched to begin their training. Many of them, including the Careers, ignored Atala's advice and went straight for the weapons. While others decided to go for stations that taught survival skills like building fires or camouflage.

Silver decided to take the wise choice and went for a knot tying station, the trainer there looked almost eager to see her as no one else had bothered to go there.

Tying knots was like muscle memory to Silver, at a young age she was taught how to weave nets and make fish hooks by her father.

The knot tying station also gave Silver the opportunity to observe the other tributes and study them closely so that she would know their strengths and weaknesses, this piece of information could easily give her the upper hand. The only tributes besides the Careers that seemed to catch her eye was a ginger haired boy from District 7, he was so big and well built that he could even give Cato a run for his money.

In addition to him, the female tribute from District 3 managed to capture Silver's attention for a couple minutes while she went through a station that had you identify which plants were edible or poisonous on a screen, she was able to do it so fast that Silver could barley keep up.

Silver stayed away from any combat stations for a good thirty minutes, quietly watching the tributes. She glanced over at Cato for a split second and watched him completely massacre some poor mannequins with his sword.

The other girl from his district, Clove was at another station with some throwing knives, she never missed once as she aimed a blade at some targets and hit them straight in the middle. Two can play at that game, a ghost of a smirk graced Silver's lips and as much as she wanted to, she decided she would save her own knife throwing skills for later.

Glimmer, the blond girl from District 1 was at a similar station with a silver bow and arrows, it didn't take long for Silver to realize she had very poor aim and never once hit her target.  Finally, Marvel, the other District 1 tribute was right beside her with what looked like throwing spears, and unlike Glimmer he had stunning accuracy and his spears never once failed to find their target.

After awhile of trying her best to improve her survival skills, Silver was almost itching to get her hands on any weapons. She walked over to one of the stations, grabbing a trident from a metal rack. Tridents weren't Silver's preferred weapon, but she decided to give them a try, in case knives weren't an option for any reason.

The trident was heavier then she imagined but  nevertheless it was quite easy to hold and Silver found no problem twirling it around with her fingers. "You sure you can handle that?" A trainer at the station asked, Silver nodded, setting her sights on a target that was at least ten yards away.

With a deep breath and a good grip on the trident, she thrusted the weapon forward and watched as it hit the middle of the target.

Silver blinked to make sure what she was seeing was right. A shocked expression formed on her face, throwing knives was one thing but throwing tridents was something she never thought she was capable of doing.

bloodsport - cato hadley. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora