Chapter 8 - Many Names

Start from the beginning

Liliana only shook her head. "I'm sorry, Yi-yi.... The little girl you loved did die in that fire... I just hope you'll still love me now."

Her mentor's next words would haunt her for months to come: "Indifference has killed more innocents and spilled more blood than all the wars that had been waged in the eight kingdoms combined. I just hope you're ready to live with the consequences."

Liliana felt a flash of anger tear through her: "Maybe you should have thought about the consequences of lying to the girl you were sworn to protect her whole life."

Adeniyi turned her gaze toward Liliana sharply, rage and sadness colliding as her eyes clouded over. Liliana waited for her to speak, but then Adeniyi left without another word.

Gingerly, Liliana closed the door to her chambers behind and walked down the hall

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Gingerly, Liliana closed the door to her chambers behind and walked down the hall. Although she wasn't officially the Seer still, she'd been carrying out the duty of evaluating new cadets upon their arrival for several years. 

At lunch, word had come that a new cadet had been delivered to the Hold. A young Mombachan girl with Healer's Sight. 

Liliana was on her way to the evaluation now.

She hadn't been able to face Adeniyi since their altercation. Liliana had decided to put the whole thing out of her mind. She's almost managed to forget it during flight practice with Socorro. Nanook, as usual, was the one who shattered her bliss, pestering her about all the funny memories that he'd never seen before.

Could Adeniyi know that the Rewriting was falling apart? That it seemed like the more she tried to stop them, the more memories returned. 

After practice, Liliana was about to turn toward the kitchens when she heard the echo of a small voice whispering through the corridors. She paused and traced back her steps toward the sound of the somber song.

It took a few minutes, but eventually she found where a door had been left half-open. Socorro's sweet voice was something like a balm on Liliana's frayed nerves. She didn't understand the words, but it sounded like a lullaby. 

As Liliana approached, the door to Socorro's room creaked open and a little girl stepped out, wearing a worn sandy-brown robe and shabby leather shoes. Her raven black hair was tousled and tangled. It was slightly wavy but certainly not curly. Her little hands clutched a handful of her tunic, kneading it carefully.

Socorro stood behind her, squeezing her shoulder. "Better watch out; the Southerners are going to outnumber the Northerners before too long," she said with a grin. "This is Chilo. She's got Healer's Sight, too. Just like Lady Diana."

Chilo turned her gaze to the opposite side of the hall and then toward Liliana.

Her mournful and careful brown eyes searched Liliana's for a long moment before she spoke. "Did we disturb you?" Her question was as careful and tentative as her eyes.

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