"So, what if you heard something?" Lydia questioned,

"So, I want to find out what that something is. Don't worry, it's probably nothing," Allison said as she started to walk off,

"Famous last words, there Allison," I muttered as I glared at her,

"Well, what if that nothing is something and that something is something dangerous?" Lydia asked quickly, and I could hear the worry in her voice,

"Shoot it," Allison snapped at her, and Lydia whimpered,

"She did not just leave us here," I said we watched Allison walk of into the woods,

Lydia and I stood there in silence as we waited for Allison to come back, and the more time that passed the more the god started to fade away. She soon came back looking upset, and sort of tired.

"What happened?" Lydia asked her,

"It was Scott, he was looking for me," Allison said as she walked pass us heading towards the car,

"He followed you out here," I asked with a chuckle that soon faded when I saw Allison wasn't happy at all,

"He wanted to return my necklace," Allison muttered,

I looked over at Lydia and she only shrugged at me. A teenager's heart was a fragile thing and it could be broken, shattered or bent in the easiest way. Allison was so heartbroken over Scott, and Lydia was just as broken over Jackson. On the other hand, I wasn't the most qualified to talk about this.

I knew I liked Derek but there was a lot of factors that stopped me from trying to pursue that. One of the biggest being our age difference, and plus I didn't even know how he felt about me, even though I'm pretty sure he tried to kiss me.


It was early in the evening and I was home with my Aunt Marcy. She was in the kitchen cooking and I was by the kitchen island doing my homework, well trying to do it, but it became very difficult since I had a lot on my mind. The sound of the door bell ringing made me up look as my aunt walked over to answer the door.

"Marcy," a familiar voice said and I looked at the doorway to see my aunt hugging someone,

"It's been so long," my aunt said as she pulled away and smile at whoever it was, "I thought you were still in the hospital,"

Hospital? I didn't know she had a friend that in the hospital.

"Leo, come here," my aunt said to me with a cheery smile, I sighed as I got off the stool and walked over to the front door, "there someone I want you to meet,"

"Well this one better be really important..." I started to say but my voice faded away as I started at the man in the doorway,

"Hello Leo," Peter said to me with tight lipped smile,

"You..." I whispered as I started to back away from him,

"Leo, don't you remember Peter?" My aunt asked me with smile, I looked at her to see she was genuinely happy but I was confused as to how she knew him,

"Oh Marcy, it's been ages, I doubt he would remember me, last time I saw him he could still fit in my arms," Peter said with a smile and I couldn't tell if he was lying or not,

"Huh?" I asked as I looked between him and my aunt, "fit in your arms!?"

"Oh Leo, you don't remember him," my aunt said as she walked over and pulled me closer to Peter and I looked up at him, and he smirked at me, "Leo meet Peter, Peter meet Leo,"

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