Jerry And The Scientists

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We were able to outrun that light thing. Though, it was probably one of the most scary things that has ever happened to me. Fukase looked pretty calm, though. Oh... right, we need to be calm, or this will be harder. I attempted to just think about other things, when something popped into my mind... I actually never told Fukase my name. That's embarrassing- "Um, Fukase- I forgot telling you my name. I um, I'm Oliver Keeper, I'm 19 and I come from Britain." He looked back at me and nodded; "Alright, remember to say that in your head every now and then. We don't want you to end up as Piko and Len." He was quiet now, and I didn't really have anything to say so we just walked in silence. I didn't know how long it has been since I got here. Hours? Days? Maybe not days, but it still felt like forever. As my mind wandered off to random things another question popped up in my head. Great! No more awkward silence. "Fukase, how did you get all those scars?" He was now looking away, like he didn't really want to answer that question. I mean, maybe it was a weird question after all...
"Just scars from monster attacks." He would say after a bit. I guess that makes sense, since he's been in here for so long. "Are you tired? Is it possible to sleep in this place?" He was looking extremely tired. To be honest, that kinda answered my question on itself but I still wanted exact answers. "Well, yes it's possible and yeah, you'll eventually faint if you're too sleep deprived here as well as in the real world, but I usually drink almond water or eat some seeds to keep my energy up. Sleeping can be very dangerous." I guess that would explain why he looks so tired. "But I haven't slept in about.. 2 weeks? Maybe we could rest for a bit, since this level will definitely be the safest one to do so." Fukase went another way than planned into some room that didn't have two openings and he'd sit down. I sat down a bit away from him and took off my blue hoodie to use it as a pillow. It was a bit uncomfortable only wearing my white t-shirt because of all my bandages, but I'd rather sleep more comfortably than not. "We'll sleep in shifts." He said. "Alright, since you haven't slept in a long time, you could start." He noded and layed down. I looked at my surroundings. There was really nothing different from this room than the others. A gray moist carpet, yellow tarpeted walls and a constant buzzing from the old lights. Being almost alone now when he's asleep made me a bit more afraid, but I decided to ignore it. Time seems to work differently here, so maybe he'll be done sleeping soon.

It was morning(I think) and we'd successfully been able to sleep in shifts without any real problem. The same Facelings visited once and annoyed us but that was really everything. I put on my blue hoodie and stood up, Fukase did the same. He didn't say a word, just started walking. I followed him, kept my hope up and hummed a bit to myself. I felt a bit better even though the situation was how it was. I'm positive that both me and Fukase would find a way out! "Why are you humming?" Fukase asked. "To keep my mood up!" I'd reply. "Oh, I'm sorry, but you'll need to find another way than that. Too much sound will make it easier for entities to find us." He looked back on me with a dead serious look in his eye and I stopped humming. That was stupid of me. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot..." I said. "It's fine, just don't do it again, please." While walking I'd see some weird mold on the walls and get an urge to touch it. I stopped in my tracks and bent down to where it was and I was so close to doing it when- "Oliver! NO! You'll get the disease! What were you thinking?" Fukase snapped. I went up again and apologised. "That's... I'm so sorry. I just got a weird urge- I won't try to do it again. But what is the "disease" anyway?" I asked. He looked back at me. "The disease is well, a disease you can get here. It'll start off simply with an eye irritation, then it'll move on to coughing, rashes and bumps on your skin. In the end it'll end up in vomiting, seizures and even death. I lost a friend to the disease." He explained. "Oh- I'm sorry." I said. "Well, it's okay. I didn't know them for very long." Fukase would start walking again and I followed him. For a moment, I thought I heard chirping or any sort of bird sound. "Did you hear that?" I asked. "No, let's keep on going." Fukase replied. "Do you still have any almond water or seeds on you?" I asked Fukase. "Yes, why?" he'd reply. "Could I please get either some seeds or some almond water?" I asked. "Um. Sure I guess." He took out some seeds from his pocket and gave them to me. "Great! I'll be right back!" I'd run off to the room where I heard the chirping without his consent and I saw this beautiful blue parrot. It said things like; "Hello! I'm Jerry!" and some weirder things like "All hail me!" I walked closer to the bird and decided to feed him some of the seeds. Fukase came into the room when I was doing it, looking paralysed. "Fuck, it's too late-" He mumbled. "Too late for what? I found this really cool bird! His name is Jerry. I fed him seeds and he liked it!" I smiled and Fukase let out this sort of sigh that mixed annoyance with relief. "You know, if you didn't feed that stupid bird some seeds, you'd be mind controlled right now. Everyone that touches him that hasn't fed him anything will be controlled. Though, we can't take him with us, because, you know. Mind control." Fukase said. "Can't you just feed him? Please? Can't he help us from threats? And he seems so nice!" I said. Birds are my favourite type of animals, so seeing one really, really made me happy. It makes me think of my bird James I still have at home, though... I hope he's okay. "Alright, just. Give me a seed then." Fukase said and I'd hand him some seeds. He'd get closer to the bird and feed him. The parrot said; "Fukase! Fukase! Oliver! Oliver!" It was very chocking that it could our names without asking, but this was a mind controlling bird so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. "Look, he even likes us!" I said and smiled. I hoped for Fukase to smile back, but he didn't. Well, he doesn't really seem like a smiley person. "Well, I guess it doesn't hurt to take a tamed Jerry with us. But I'm killing him if he tries anything." Fukase said and I smiled. "Thank you!" I hugged him. "Don't hug me." He replied and I'd let go and apologise. "Let's just get going." He said. I let Jerry sit on my shoulder and then I followed Fukase who had already started walking. Now I guess it was time for stuff to get extremely boring.

Fukase would stop in his track. "Oh no. We're in scientist territory." He said. "Are they bad?" I asked. "Yes, they trap both entities and surviours to do science experiments on them." I'd look around the room and see that there was a poster that said  "Scientist research center." Fukase would back away. "Um, let's go the opposite direction. They have been trying to hunt me down for whoever knows how long." We started walking but then we heard this laughter followed by a male voice. "No, you're not going anywhere." We looked back to see this dark brown haired man with Japanese facial features and a lab coat. He held in some sort of gun. "Oliver, Run." Fukase whispered to me. "But what about you?" I asked him. "It's fine, I'll be right behind you." I started running off and I heard whatever sort of gun go off. I didn't look back, I just ran until I couldn't hear the gunshots anymore. It wasn't too far away so Fukase wouldn't find me, but it was atleast far away so they wouldn't start looking for me. I think their target was Fukase anyway. Jerry would screech; "Fukase! Fukase!" and there was this worry in his voice. To be honest, I was worried too. Why is he not back yet? I went back a bit to check if I see him, but I only see the same, yellow tarpeted walls. What did he do? Did he sacrifice himself? No. I won't let that. He has helped me so much so far. I can't just leave him. "Jerry, we're going back. Can you help me with getting him back?" He would yell; "Yes! Yes!" I started walking hastily back to where the scientist territory was. I hope he's okay. I really don't want anyone to die because of me... After awhile, I'd be back there. Fukase nor the scientist was there, so I walked further in. Someone there yelled to show me my license, it was not the man. "Jerry, do it!" I said, and Jerry would fly to the person, making them mind controlled." The last thing we heard from them was; "All hail Jerry.". I look around everywhere for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. But then I saw this massive room that had the text "RESEARCH ROOM" over it. He must be in here. I checked through the door window to see how many people were currently there and there were too many for us to take out. I'll need to disguise myself as one of them in some way, and hurry. I looked for any scientist that was alone, so Jerry could take them out. I walked through room and room, seeing almost nothing besides new painted white walls and the same disgusting grey moist carpet. After almost giving up, I saw this scientist sitting alone. He did not notice us entering, so it was really our shot now. I'd whisper; "Do it, Jerry...!" And he'd fly off to where that scientist was sitting. He got mind controlled and did what Jerry told. I got an amazing plan. What if we go in all 3 and Jerry could mind control more and more people until we were able to free Fukase? Yes! We will do that. "Jerry, I have a great plan. Force this man to follow us to the research room and let's take everyone out there!" I hastily walked to the researched room and almost threw myself in the room. The scientists looked shockingly at me and the mind controlled scientist and didn't notice Jerry who touched their legs all one by one. This last one would notice though, and yell. It was the same guy that found us before. "Are you trying to ruin this? This will be for the better in the future." He said. "I don't care! Let go off my friend or you'll end up like the other scientists." This man, clearly a coward would do what I said. He let Fukase go and walked out of the room slowly, saying; "I will meet you again. I will get to Fukase no matter what. As human or not." I didn't understand what the last part meant, but I didn't think about it too much. Fukase woke up and stood up. He looked at me with a confused stare. "You are so naive. You could have gotten yourself killed. Why did you save me? I was clearly trying to help you escape." He said. "Because I don't leave friends." I answered and he'd look away for some reason. "Whatever, let's just go." Jerry would screech; "Fukase, Fukase!" And I smiled. "These scientists are cowards. We'll probably be able to just walk away from here because they saw what Jerry did." Fukase looked at me. "Yes, most of the scientists here are cowards, but not everyone. We need to be more careful and don't ever let them get to us again." He said and I nodded. We'd all walk outside and go away from that scientist colony. Maybe we're closer to level 1 now? I can't wait until we get home.

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