Chapter 31

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The rest of my weekend passed in a haze of tears, migraines, and wondering if Peter will ever speak to me again, all of which made facing Monday at school so much more daunting and nauseating. My only goal is to keep my head down and fade into a deserved oblivion for who knows how long.

Of course, like always, things never really work in my favor.

I make it all the way to lunch before it running into Peter and Ned, the second of who calls me over the moment I walk in, but I immediately duck my head down and take a seat at another table by myself. "Activating advanced reconnaissance mode." ARTI flashes across my lenses as he tunes in on Ned and Peter's conversation, despite them being halfway across the cafeteria.

"Dude, what's going on with Lia?" Ned questions, and I assume Peter must have some sort of sour expression judging by what's said next. "Wait, are you—are you mad at her or something? Did you two have a fight? 'Cause I'm sure whatever it is, you two can make it up. You know I'm not exactly good with conflict, and I really don't want to have to pick between my two best friends."

"We didn't have a fight, Ned." Peter replies with a bitter tone. "I just found out that's she been keeping a huge secret from us for a long time."

"Is it really that big of a deal? I mean, she's our best friend, but everyone has secrets."

"No, this is different."


"Because she's Phantom, and she never told me." He says in barely more than a whisper, which makes me feel like throwing up on the spot.

"Really? That's so cool! I have two best friends, who are both Avengers." Ned cheers excitedly before realizing that Peter was upset by the information. "Dude, why are you mad about that? She's practically your girlfriend and your butt kicking partner."

"Yeah, but she kept that from me for almost three years, Ned. How am I supposed to be okay with that?" Peter retorts, and I can't say I blame him. He has every right to be upset with me.

It just doesn't seem that Ned agrees. "You're supposed to because she's your best friend and the girl you've been secretly crushing on for the past two and half years. Let me ask you this, if you had the choice, would you have told anyone about your secret?" The question seems to get the best of Peter as he struggles to form and answer. "That's what I thought. So why should you get mad at her for not telling hers when you would have done the same were the situations reversed?"

I feel a lump form in my throat as I push aside my food and leave the cafeteria. My heart feels like it's breaking as I force my head down and pass by the pair of them, who are still talking in hushed tones, oblivious to the fact that I heard everything.

"Lia," Peter calls as he follows me out, "can I—can I talk to you for a second?"

It takes me a moment to process that this is real and that he's actually speaking to me right now. "Yeah. What's up?"

"I wanted to apologize for not letting you speak the other day. When you told me, I was just surprised and got really upset, but if you're still willing to talk, I'm ready to listen."

"How about after school? We can meet at Tony's, if you want."

"Yeah, that sounds great." He pauses for a moment, looking down at the floor as he asks, "So, you're really not upset with me for how I acted?"

"No, I get that it was a lot to process. It'd be hard to blame you for reacting." I tell him with a shrug as I tug my sleeves down over my hand. "Like I said, I still get it if you hate me or whatever."

"I don't though. Pretty sure I couldn't hate you if I tried." His words ring so loudly in my ears I barely notice him getting closer until he takes my hand in his. I glance up and see him already staring back at me with that tender look in his eyes that makes heart melt. "I have to ask though."

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