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The Justice League stood confused. They knew the infamous city well, but a second ago, they were in Metropolis, trying to stop the Joker from detonating a nuke that would blow the city to kingdom come.

"So, temporal displacement?" Green Arrow guessed. "Alternate Earth?"

"Could be either," Wonder Woman considered. "We may have jumped to a different dimension, or events in our own timeline have changed and we're in a new, altered present,"

"We need to determine which, soon," Aquaman told them. "If Joker's bomb detonated, we have to get back,"

"The Watchtower should have picked up any anomalies, right?" Green Arrow asked.

Wonder Woman shook her head and said, "The Watchtower might not exist. I can't make contact,"

"We need to find out," Green Lantern said. He held up his right hand and added, "Once my ring is charged I can get us there,"

"The Atlantis Archives," Aquaman pitched. "If this is an altered timeline, we might find a record of the triggering event there,"

"Assuming there's an Atlantis," Green Arrow raised a brow.

"It's worth investigating," Wonder Woman agreed with the Atlantian. She nodded towards the archer and said, "Let's you and I check things out here,"

Green Arrow agreed, and he stood up. Meanwhile, Green Lantern spoke to his ring, asking, "Ring. Where's the nearest power battery?"

"The Ferris Aircraft facility in Coast City,"

Green Lantern shrugged in relief and said, "Well, at least that hasn't changed. Stay low. I'll be back ASAP,"

The heroes nodded, and the Lantern flew off to the opposite end of the country to his hometown.


As Hal Jordan crossed the country from Gotham to Coast, it was like whatever darkness had infamously plagued Gotham now loomed over America. At least, the hallways of the Ferris Aircraft facility were comforting... familiar.

"Where did you say the battery was?" He asked the ring again. Hal knew exactly where he hid the battery, but he needed to fill the eerie silence of the empty hallway.

"Locker #407. Locker room located on the fourth door on the next hallway to the right,"

Hal furrowed his brows, uttering, "Locker room?"

His lantern was supposed to be in Carol's office, not his locker. He continued down the hall anyway, but he paused when he heard a conversation behind one of the doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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