5- Betrayal

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BTW, yes I may or may not have named this after the play that Tom Hiddleston was in but I didn't know what to name it so oh well :)

Loki hated Thor, this was obvious, and you being together with Thor didn't make it any better. Despite this, you and Loki were best friends, you had been ever since he and Thor came to New York. The three of you hung out almost every day and, although Loki couldn't stand Thor, the sight of you evened things out. It was also obvious that he had feelings for you but he wanted it to be obvious. For, he was the God of Lies and he could easily keep it a secret but, before you started going out with Thor, he had asked you out many, many, many times. Bare in mind, this was long before he gained your trust and not long after the events of New York. You were one of the few, in fact, you were the only one who had not fallen under his trance, unlike all of your unsubtle friends. Loki had to admit he didn't mind the attention but the only one who he actually wanted the attention from was you. 

You and the rest of the group (Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Peter, Thor and Loki) had arranged to have a party later this afternoon and you coming out of the shower when Loki came to see you. 

"Good afternoon Lady Y/N. Can I come in? I need to talk to you." He said after knocking on the door. 

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute!" You shouted from your bathroom. Loki cautiously came and sat on the your bed after closing the door (you hated it when people didn't close the door behind them). He looked around the room, as he always did, to see what your room was like when you suddenly felt his gaze upon you standing in the doorway. His eyes widened at the sight of you in just a towel and he immediately froze. "Sorry, I just came out of the shower I'll just get changed, if you don't mind." You weren't really that embarrassed, you had been in much worse situations that this.

"No, no, I will um, I just came to say that- you just. Um. Sorry I will um- let you get changed and I will uhh- see you at the party!" Loki just managed to get out. He covered his eyes as backed away from you and walked into the closed door. He laughed to himself and opened the door as he excused himself and walked out. When he closed the door again, you let out all the laughter that you were holding in and finally got changed.


The next time you saw Loki was at the party, he was talking to Steve and Thor which quickly changed when you arrived. 

"Ahh, my beautiful Lady Y/N. What a pleasure it is to see you my love!" Thor boomed as you arrived. He pulled you into a deep kiss. You joined the the men's conversation before going to the bar with Loki.

"Lady Y/N, I must say I have been thinking about you all day. I must apologize for walking in on you like that." Loki broke the long silence.

You smiled before answering, "What else is new? And it's fine." You said with a wide smirk plastered along your face. Usually it was Loki who smirked at you and, by this, you knew something was wrong. Although he was the God of Lies, you knew him long and well enough to tell when he was trying to hide something from you. "Loki?" You said softly. This made him look up with a painful expression on his face. "What's wrong? Is there something that you need to tell me?" 

"Lady Y/N," He took a long pause between speaking again. "I think Thor is cheating on you with another midguardian." He spoke quietly, only loud enough for you to hear. Anger immediately exploded inside of you. Thor loved you, and you knew this. Loki may have hated his brother but surely he wouldn't lie to split you two apart. Right? He was your best friend and he loved seeing you happy, no matter who or what made you happy. You couldn't believe it. You wouldn't believe it. Not for a second. You looked down to try and hide your teary eyes before turning and walking away from Loki. He grabbed your arm to try and stop you but you just managed to break free before running to the bathroom and locking the door. 


You didn't realise how long you spent in the bathroom before Thor knocked on the door and pulled you out. When you walked out, everybody except the group had left. You felt several eyes glaring at you as Thor directed you to a seat next to him and put his arm around you. This made Loki snarl at his brother. He didn't mean for his comment to hurt you as much as it did, he was just trying to protect you, as always. Everyone sat talking to each other for the next hour or so and then you all went said goodnight and went to bed. You were on the way to your room when you felt a strong arm pull you back. When you turned around, you were surprised to see Thor's face smiling down at you.

"Y/N, why don't you come into my chambers tonight?" He whispered, careful for nobody to hear. You smiled and nodded and picked you up and carried you to his room which made you laugh. Neither you or Thor realised that you were being watched by Loki who was now more upset than ever that you didn't listen to him. 

You and Thor entered his room silently and he dropped you on his bed and laughed when you quickly jumped under the covers. He slid down next to you and you both fell asleep holding on to each other. 


The next thing you knew was waking up alone in a huge bed at 4:32 AM. You were still drowsy from only a few hours of sleep and you could've been going crazy but you could've sworn that you heard voices from down the hall. Maybe Thor's just talking to Natasha, you thought. But the voices were soon replaced by giggles and shushing and everybody knew that the great Natasha Romanoff did not giggle. You slowly stood up to try and not get a head rush and walked to the door. As soon as you opened it, you wished that you didn't. You wished that you never even woke up. You wished that you had never seen what was in front of you. You wished and you wished and you wished but it didn't go away. Thor's lips broke apart from the woman's to face you. His eyes widened and he was already red from guilt and embarrassment. 

"Y/N, it's not what it looks like. I can explain, I promise." Thor pleaded as he reached out to take your hand in his, but it was to late. You could never unsee what just happened before your eyes. Tears were already streaming down your face when you pushed Thor and the woman. You looked back for a second to shake your head at him in a don't follow me matter. You stumbled through the thin corridors when you found his room. You furiously knocked on Loki's door until your fist started to hurt and, when he opened it, you thrusted yourself into his arms. He was shirtless but you didn't care. All you cared about was being in his company right now. Your tears were falling down your face faster than you had ever felt them. All you had to do was mutter a simple "You were right." and Loki squeezed you back. You didn't want anybody else's arms around you, except his. Your tears got caught in his hair but he didn't care either. He wanted to protect you with every bit of energy he had left in him. He didn't want you to get hurt any more and, if you did, he would hunt down and kill whoever hurt you. 

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