1- Under the Mistletoe

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You had been wondering what to get Loki for weeks now and your best friend, Peter Parker, was no help. 

"Maybe you should get him some bed sheets." Peter smiled as he finally thought he found something useful. You looked at him with an emotion of confusion mixed with disappointment. 

"Right, the Prince of Asgard and God of Mischief won't have perfect bed sheets already." You and Peter both sighed and continued walking through the shop again in silence. You had feelings for Loki for almost a year now and you thought that the perfect gift was the perfect way to tell him, that is if you could find it. You had already asked everyone you could and even his brother, Thor, wasn't much help. You had finally given up when Peter came up to you and handed you a book.

"I know that we discussed books before but I just thought that he might like this one." You could tell that he had given up as well by the expression on his face so he was surprised when you said, "It's perfect!" his face lit up like a child on Christmas day (like he was going to be tomorrow)  and both of you went to check out the gifts that you found. You had an amazing idea for what you would do. 


You and Peter decided to go to the Christmas party at the Avengers' tower together since it would be less awkward for both of you. Getting ready, you found a dress that Loki got you for your birthday, which you never had the time or courage to wear. It was long, dark green and form-fitting but you were self-conscious so you didn't like any sort of form-fitting dresses. This, however, was your best chance at showing Loki that you weren't just a secretary working for the Avengers. Once you put it on, you spent at least 10 minutes in the mirror checking how you look from every single possible angle. You did have a beautiful figure, that was true, but in your eyes, you could never be perfect. 

A knock on the front door snapped you out of your thoughts. When you opened the door, you weren't surprised to see Peter wearing an incredibly ugly Christmas jumper- he wore one every year.

"Wow, Y/N you clean up good. Hm, I wonder why you would wear a kind of dress that you hate which just so happens to be from the one that you've loved since like forever." Peter raised his eyebrows at you which just made you laugh. "You ready?" He added and you got your stuff and your presents for everybody and left.  


"Lady Y/N! You look rather beautiful! Why the sudden change of style?" Thor boomed as you walked in.

"I guess I just wanted to change it up a bit." You mockingly twirled around for him.

"Well, lady Y/N I must say that my brother may be a witless oaf but he is not wrong, you do look astonishing. I'm glad that my present has not been a complete waste." You knew from the second he started talking it was the God himself, then one you had loved with all of your heart, and he was right behind you. You turned around and tried your hardest not to grin like an idiot when you saw him. That damn black suit he wore haunted you in the best way possible. 

"Thank you Loki and you too, look great." It took all of your strength not to look him up and down again so, instead, you embraced him in a hug. As he hugged back, you noticed Peter glaring at you, grinning and putting his thumbs up. You rolled your eyes and laughed to yourself.

"What?" Loki asked you as he noticed you were laughing. You shook your head and excused yourself apologetically and made your way over to Peter. 

"Really? You couldn't just let me hug him." You laughed again when you made sure that Loki couldn't hear you. 

"What? I was just supporting you and your life choices." You rolled your eyes.


The party was almost over and you had spent most of your time talking to various different people, Tony, Steve, Thor, Natasha, none of which were the person who you actually wanted to talk to. Loki was very popular amongst the people of the party, no wonder why. Finally, he was alone and you took this as your chance to go and talk to him. As you started to walk towards him, you could feel your palms starting to sweat, as they always did when you tried to talk to him. 

"Hey, Loki." Was all that you could manage to get out once you reached him. 

"Hello Lady Y/N, I have not seen you much tonight, is there something I did wrong?" His soft voice immediately put you under his trance and you found it even harder to speak.

"No, no you did nothing wrong, if anything, you do everything right, but I was just wondering if I could talk to you," you tried to make it sound neutral but his beautiful blue-green eyes looked down at you with everything you could ever want and yet they were so innocent and pure. "In private." You added, in case it wasn't clear enough.

Loki led you out to the balcony, knowing that you would get cold, and was already putting his jacket on to your shoulders. He smiled at you and, for a while, you just looked deep into each other's eyes, only when Loki asked if you were ok were you taken out from his trance and were able to talk.

"Well, you see, the thing is, well, I guess that. So basically, I've well kind of, well." You tried your hardest to tell him but all that came out wasn't even understandable any more. You took the deepest of deep breaths and began to talk when you were suddenly interrupted by Loki's voice.

"Y/N?" You looked up at him with both regret and disappointment in your eyes. "I know that you have feelings for me." As these words came out of his mouth, regret and disappointment suddenly turned to fear of humiliation. 

"You do?" To be honest, you were just glad he knew whether it was you who told him or him finding out on his own. Suddenly, you felt his hands wrap around your waist and pull you closer to his large frame. "I've known for a long time." Were the last words you heard before he pulled his lips on to yours. The whole world started to fade away as you melted into his strong arms. You had waited for this moment for as long as your mind told you and now it was here and you were in it. You wanted it to last forever.

You felt your lips break apart, but his face and his whole body was still centimetres away from yours. When you felt one of his hands break apart from your waist, you suddenly felt colder, more vulnerable. You watched his fingers form into a pointing position and you traced it all the way to the plant that was hanging above your head by a red ribbon. Mistletoe. You looked down and smiled to yourself when Loki's hand found your chin and brought it up to face him. "I don't mind the attention, actually." muttered Loki before bringing you in for another passionate kiss. The warmth of his body overpowered any wind or snow that the winter could bring. For the first time in years, you felt safe, loved. 

Hi. Sorry, this was short but I tried to make as good as I can. Hope you enjoyed! :)

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