3-Best day of your lives

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You and Loki had been together for almost 5 years now and you decided that you wanted to do something fun with him again. You had just arrived at the rink when Loki started to whine, you were expecting this of him because he never really wanted to go out in public- he was scared that people were going to shoot him weird looks and judge him. 

"Do we really have to do this, Y/N?" He wasn't subtle in the slightest when it came to pleading. 

"Yes we really have to do this. You'll enjoy it trust me." You cooed as you dragged him inside by the sleeve of his hoodie. When you got inside, the rink was basically empty which you and Loki were both happy about. You passed Loki his skates and you watched as he attempted to put them on. You laughed to yourself but, surprise surprise, he saw you. He looked at you with the word annoyed plastered all over his face. "Here, let me help you." He batted your hand away. Loki was needed many things, but help was never one of them. Once he had finally got them on, he pulled you up and dragged you onto the ice. "Oh. Look who's had a sudden change of heart." You said with a smirk.

"No." He was annoyed with you, that was obvious, but he knew that you were doing this for both of you. "I just want to get this over and done with as soon as possible." His voice was harsh, but it still made you laugh. As soon as you were on the ice, Loki slipped and fell behind you. You pulled him up and giggled, you really knew how to get on his nerves.

"Come on, it's not that hard. Just do what I do." You said before skillfully gliding around the rink, twirling and turning, and returning to see Loki's amazed face. "What. Everyone has to have a hobby." You shrugged playfully.


After an hour of watching Loki fall and slip and be amazed at your skills as a skater, you decided that he went through enough torture to last him a year. 

"I am a God, you dull creature! And I will not be bullied by-" You caught him shouting at the ice in frustration before he realised that he was being watched. 

"Yeah, yeah I get it, I get it. Your annoyed, but that's no reason to take it out on the ice." You smirked as you helped Loki up. "Come on, let's go around the rink one more time together." He didn't look amused. "I promise I won't let go this time." You cooed.

"Fine." Was all he managed to say before you pulled him into the current of people. He watched as your skilled feet scraped against the surface in swift, fluid motions. Every day, you still managed to surprise him with your abilities. He tried his hardest to mimic your actions and, somehow, he sort of managed to take back control of his feet and legs. He was a fast learner. 

"There you go, you've almost got it!" He smiled up at you with actual shock, he didn't believe he could do it but you forced him, and he was thankful. You and Loki both made your way through the crowds of people gracefully, holding hand in hand- even though you basically taught Loki how to skate already, he didn't want you to let go. He loved your soft hands intertwined with his and so did you. 

You both came to an abrupt stop right in the middle and embraced each other in a hug. "I knew you could do it!" You said happily and Loki just laughed and nodded. You both stood there, looking deep into each others eyes. People gave you weird looks from all around but you didn't care anymore, and neither did Loki.

"You truly are beautiful Lady Y/N." Loki finally said. He brushed the golden curls off of your cheeks, before kneeling down in front of you and adding, "Any man would be lucky to have you and I pray that you will stay with me for the rest of our lives. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I hope you know that. I love everything about you, from your beautiful blue eyes, to your incredible laugh. The day I met you was the happiest day of my life. We have been through so much together and made so many memories together and I hope that we will have many more which are yet to come. No amount of words could ever describe how much I love you. Y/N, will you marry me?" At this point, you had tears streaming down your face and you knew that your cheeks were redder than they had ever been. You started to sob as Loki looked up with at you with eyes filled with hope. It seemed as though everything around you disappeared and you and Loki were the only two people left on Earth. 

"Yes." Was all that you managed to say without breaking down in tears (of joy, of course) and, when Loki slipped on the ring, you brought him back up to his feet and he seized you an incredible kiss. You had loved each other more than you ever loved anybody else and this was truly the happiest you had ever been. You both stood there holding each other, your lips brushing against each others. This was the best day of your lives. 

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