With unnerving synchronicity, all heads in the room aside from Leigh's snapped in the direction of the doorway. 

"Phew, get a whiff of that," Emmett said with a grin. 

Leigh frowned, confused, Esme's lips stretching into an excited smile. 

"They're here," she said, gently clapping her hands together. 

Then she understood. 

Slowly, Bella and Edward sidled around the corner and into the kitchen, neither of them looking particularly comfortable. Bella's eyes widened in surprise when she saw Leigh, the two girls exchanging an awkward wave as Esme moved forward to introduce herself to the brunette.

"Bella! We're making Italiano for you," she sang. 

Bella tried her best to smile, but Edward started talking before she could say anything. 

"Bella, this is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes," he said. 

Emmett waved at Bella, seeming to forget about the large knife in his hand and consequently looking a little more threatening than he most likely intended. 

"Buongiorno," Bella said, blushing.

"Molto bene," Esme replied, grinning. 

Carlisle stepped forward. "You've both given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time."

"I hope you're hungry," Esme said.

Bella nodded. "Yeah, absolutely-

"She already ate," Edward cut in, seemingly mortified by his family's attempts to make Bella welcome.

Leigh had never really spoken to Edward, but she didn't particularly like him. He seemed twitchy and neurotic. 

"More for me, then," she said, smiling at Esme in attempt to remedy her disappointment. 

A clattering crash interrupted the awkwardness, the crystalline salad bowl Rosalie had been holding falling to the floor in lots of jagged pieces amongst leaves of lettuce.

Leigh looked up in shock, finding Rosalie glaring at Bella with a ferocity that she'd never seen in her before. It scared her, a little. 

"Perfect," Rosalie snapped, fighting to keep her voice level.

"Yeah, it's just," Bella spluttered, "because I know you guys don't eat, so- 

"Of course," Esme said, reassuring her. "It's very considerate of you." 

"Just ignore Rosalie," Edward muttered. "I do."

"Yeah," Rosalie said, shaking her head. "Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us." 

Leigh folded her arms across her chest, trying to shove down her growing aggravation. Rosalie was getting on her nerves. 

"I would never tell anybody anything," Bella insisted. 

"She knows that," Carlisle said, glancing at Rosalie. 

"Yeah, well," Emmett said. "The problem is, you two have gone public now, so..."

"Emmett," Esme warned.

"No, she should know," Rosalie said. "The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly." 

Bella ducked her head. "Badly, as in, I would become the meal." 

For a moment, Leigh forgot to be angry at Rosalie, and started to laugh. 

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