My rules were set in stone, and nobody could mould stone.


"One step closer. We're one step closer to getting rid of her."

Dante tried catching up alongside me, panting and pulling off the lid of a pen with his mouth. He started to scribble into a mini notebook.

"Its a foolproof plan boss."

"Let me talk to this guy first."

It was a captive we caught yesterday, one who definitely had something to do with the Wolves targeting Alex.

They weren't cooperating at all when I sent threats to their group - so I was going to torture them. What better way to send a message than sending it with a head?

I stopped outside one of the cells in the grey, dimly lit hallway. After pushing open the door I stepped in, closing it behind me and leaving Dante outside.

There was already a metal whip in my hand. Wrapped around my palm, ready to wound and unleash whatever shit it was these people were doing.


"Let me go!"

I slammed the light on and the forty-something year old man narrowed his eyes, lifting his head to look at the singular light bulb above.

He'd probably been sitting in the pitch black ever since he got here. This cell had no windows, little ventilation and the mould had long sprang to life in here, darkening the corners of the walls.

Usually I kept my base clean, not letting it rot from the inside out but these cells. I kept them filthy.

"Please-" He tried to wriggle from his chair, his shoulder length hair shuffling around his face. "I didn't do anything I don't know no Alex I just want to go home-"


The chain unwrapped from my hand. It took around five minutes to crack open his mind, and not literally.

Turns out he wasn't only involved with the Wolves, the same gang suspected to attack us in Rome. He was a member, and shitty one too.

He switched up a lot. Sometimes he cried, others he swore at me until I made his bare torso drip red.

And finally, he admitted it.

"Everyone knows about her." He groaned, his head hanging low. A string of red dripping from his mouth onto his jeans. "And I mean everyone. You should have been careful....We're gonna kill the bitch just to hurt you and it's all your fault-"

He was dead in a second. I unfurled a deep, stiff breath and let my empty gun fall to the ground. The ringing whispered in my ears. Only reminded me of what I was up against...

And God forbid I rest until I knocked those bastards off one by one.


This was it. This was the last straw, the moment when my future would be decided. I could either win or lose, but once I noticed the empty box on the paper, a bead of sweat ran down my back.

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