Chapter Seventy Five.

Start from the beginning

"Carlos!" Jay yells as he walks through the tent, having to immediately dodge a high strike and then tackling them to the floor. Josh enters next and already flings a throwing knife to another guard in the tent. Which housed a  vertical table, with Carlos strapped to it. His face bruised and cut, with dried blooding covering the rest of his face and his clothes. His eyes barely open. The man who stood aside the table smirks as his eyes lock onto the group.

"Ah, I suppose you must be the heroes for our dear friend here. It was a terrible misstep on your half to leave him. I don't think the consequences of what you have done." He smirks as his eyes lock on Audrey. "I must thank you my dear, you have given my king the means to defeat his biggest enemy."

"I Haven't done nor will I do anything to help you win" Audrey scowls, her fist tight as the ring glistens with pure energy.

"You will soon see." He shrugs as his eyes flick to Carlos. "I must give my respect to you, however. I thought an Auradonian would be very easy to crack. But you friend here has given me nothing. A man of honour. A very sparing attribute today. Not many put their faith in loyalty. He's one of the very few who hasn't given me anything to save himself." He says thoughtfully as he eyes up Carlos.

"He knew we would come to save him." Jay steps forward, his hand dancing across his his belt which held a selection of throwing knives.

"As did I. And I will show you how I got my title." The man responds as he draws out two short swords and twirls them in his hands.

"Oh he's named himself, hasn't he. That is never a good sign" Audrey sighs as she flexes her fingers, the power in her ring coming to life as it flares with power.

"I am the Dragons Rage. And I will show you why" The man states as he charges forward with impressive speed, bringing his two swords down on Jay, who rolls out of the way just in time. Josh advances on him, sending a fury of fire towards the Dragons Rage, but using his swords he deflects the blasts. Josh then draws his sword and pulls it into a tight arc, the Dragons Rage using both swords to block the blow and then kicking his legs, causing Josh to fall to the floor. Anna then charges forward, sending a power charge of electricity at him, a strike that causes him to roll out of the way to safety, daggers sent from his hand as he does. One of them inserted themselves into Anna's, causing her to grunt in pain and stumble back.

"you bastard" Jenna seethe as her eyes become fully white, the air around her becomes mist, and as she opens her hands, large shards of ice form and spin in the air just above her hands, and they grow in size quickly before she pushes them forward, causing the Dragons Rage to slice through them, and he smirks at Jenna. But her eyes narrow as an explosion can be heard behind him, and then he feels his back surge with pain as small shards of ice were inserted into his back, the clear shards quickly becoming infused with blood before he falls to his knees, grunting with pain. Audrey they flexes her fingers, energy enlacing them as it appears around the Dragons Rage and Audrey raises her hand, and he begins to hover in the air.

"Nice work, Jenna." Josh comments, receiving a quick smile from Jenna.

"Now what do we do with you" Jay says as he walks over to him slowly, flicking the blade through his fingers. "Maybe repay what you did to Carlos." he adds.

"... No..." Carlos croaks as he stirs, his head lifting slightly, barely able to open his eyes.

"He deserves it" Jay argues.

"Auradon... Danger..." Carlos tries to speak. Everyone shares worried looks, but the Dragons Rage just laughs.

"What is he talking about" Josh says as he marches over to the Dragons Rage.

"Oh, what is there to say. You were pulled away from your land. The three of the Children of the Dragon. We had hoped more of the defenders would of come, but we got the powerhouse away. The shores of Auradon are now covered in our ships. And the Dragons Inferno is stretching across your land." He grins.

"He's lying. There's no way they have got to Auradon that quickly." Jay argues.

"The Ships have been there ready for you to leave Auradon. Hidden under a concealment bubble. Your home is now gone. Or it will be very soon." The Dragons Rage chuckles.

"Shit" Josh sighs, but Jay steps towards the Dragons rage and forces his dagger into his stomach and quickly pulls it out.

"We got to get back" Audrey says and everyone nods, Josh and Jay help Carlos from the table and he collapses in his arms. Audrey scans Carlos over before stretching her hand, energy flows from her fingers gracefully as it wraps around Carlos. Audrey's face slowly drains of colour as the bruises and cuts across Carlos' face begin to fade. The blood evaporates into steam before fading into the air. And within moments, there was no evidence of the torture. As the energy seeps back into the ring, Audrey falls to her knees, her face drained of colour.

"Audrey." Carlos says as he stands up straight. "You didn't have too" He states softly, and Audrey sends a small smile in return.

"I know. But seeing you like that was worse than how I feel" She says quietly. Josh rushes to her side and helps her up.

"Are you okay?" He whispers and she nods.

"I'm in better condition that Carlos was in. And now we have to get back." She states and everyone nods. Audrey straightens up with Josh's hands supporting her back, and a pink mist enravels them all. All stood ready to fight. Carlos had picked up the Dragons Rage's swords and held them tightly, Jay's dagger was still covered in blood as he held it tightly. Anna's hands sizzled with electricity as her blue eyes sizzled with energy. Jenna fists were tight, as a faint mist danced around them. And Josh's sword was held tight in his hands. And within a moment, the group were gone.

So, has the Dragon Empire really invaded Auradon? And did you like the Dragons Rage? Only a minor character, but I enjoyed writing him. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I can't wait to write more!

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