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I was going to make this a steamy chapter, but I was going to begin writing it at school and didn't want to write anything NSFW while my school was stalking me while I was on their WiFi. Then, I didn't end up writing it at school and decided I would write it at home, but when I got home I had to start and finish a 2,000-word essay due tomorrow and wasn't bothered to write anything super interesting as it wouldn't be something I'd put much effort into. This chapter is kinda just a filler one.

Brandy's POV:

It was two days before I left to go. I knew that I had to apologise to three main people, two of them would be more of a do-over apology. Kiara, for kissing her, Pope, for being so blunt to him in my apology, and finally, JJ. Though it was Kiara I had kissed, JJ was her boyfriend and it wouldn't be right to not say sorry.

Pope is who I went to first. I felt that it would be easiest to apologise him. It wasn't me that actually did something wrong, I more said something wrong. The fish and chip shop he took me to when we first met seemed like an iconic place in our friendship, even if it has only been for 12 days.

"Look, I think I came off a bit bluntly the other day."

"Yeah, you don't say?" Pope spoke with a sarcastic tone and rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I felt that you at least deserved the truth and I didn't want to leave without telling you otherwise."

"You know what? It's fine. I mean, not like I really expected anything to happen anyway, seeing as you're only here for two weeks," I was glad that he responded this way and felt that I could leave things on a happy note with him.

Next on my list, JJ. I hadn't actually spoken to him much aside from when we met, so I expected things to be awkward. He seemed to be pretty nice and chill, though I doubted his behaviour would remain the same seeing as I had kissed his girlfriend just a few days prior.

I had been able to arrange a time to meet JJ at the docks, through Pope. It was an open, public place to meet and talk with him. He was already there when I arrived, he seemed to be having a conversation with the owner of the shop down there. I recognised the owner as Pope's dad and waited for them to finish.

"I think we need to speak," I spoke first, maintaining steady eye contact with him, trying but failing to gauge his feelings. When I realised he was waiting for me to say something else, I continued.

"You need to know that I didn't exactly mean to kiss Kiara."

"I don't really see a reason for us to talk. What happened is between you and Kiara. She apologised to me, we made up, end of story," He stood up sharply, making it clear he didn't wish to continue.

"Okay, just know I didn't mean to hurt anyone," I sighed. Time for the final apology. Again, I had Pope tell me where her house was. I couldn't remember her house number, but that didn't matter. When I turned onto the street I knew which house was hers by her car parked half-way into the driveway and her surfboard on top.

I knocked on her door and heard her voice ring out.

"Coming!" She called and there was the sound of footsteps going down a staircase. I braced for impact when she opened the door.

"Hello, would you like to come in?" Kiara opened the door. She pointed to a clear glass dining table. Surprisingly, Kiara's house was neat and organised, quite different from how I imagined Kiara lived. 

She sat down across from me, in a rather formal fashion. She pointed to her mother, who was sitting down reading a book on a hammock that was under the sun, in the corner of a room with floor-to-ceiling windows. She did this as if to say, "She's the reason I'm acting like this."

"So, what would you like to talk about?" Kiara asked, politely, though I didn't think it was because her mum was in the next room.

"I think I need to properly apologise."

"Hey, I don't want you to feel like you need to apologise," Kiara spoke sweetly, and it warmed my heart. 

"Thank you, but I still need to apologise. My kiss- my actions, they weren't okay. It acted irrationally," I was originally going to talk about the kiss, though I suspected I shouldn't speak about that in front of her mother.

"Yes, that is true, but you apologised and it's clear that you are genuinely sorry. Nothing really bad happened, and at the end of the day I'd rather think of you like some cool hippie chick from the mainland," Kiara put her hand on mine across from the table. Though she meant it as a friendly gesture, and I did feel genuinely sorry, the reason why I kissed her flew back into my mind. I pushed it out of my head, trying to just think about how I'm glad that things are okay, and I can go home happy.

DAMN I'M SORRY SUCH A SHORT CHAPTER TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE. I started this yesterday and couldn't wait to start the next chapter, but I kinda wanted to finish this one anyways. THERE WEREN'T EVEN ANY JIARA MOMENTS 😭 . ANYWAYS, this probably means I'll start the next chapter soon... <333

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