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I'm writing this at like 10:30 but the rest of my family is asleep so the video will be the background music I'm listening to rn haha. Did you see the end of the last chapter? Smthn really is going on with those two. 0_0 This is another filler chapter, so I'm going to include POV's I don't usually just to try and make it interesting. Btw for the part when they go surfing, although I live by the beach I actually don't know any words or terminology so if it doesn't make sense or makes you cringe, please let me know haha <33

Sarah's POV:

I had been spending more of my time with other Kooks than I would like to. Anytime there is any sort of formal event, my dad pushes me to spend time with people who will make him look good. Usually, I don't mind it, but I miss seeing John B. As soon as that thought came into my head, I received a message from him.

~~~John B💞~~~

J.B: Hey, you free?

Sarah: Yh why

J.B: Planning on driving up to that sandbank again, the tides supposed to be all the way down in a bit if you wanna join?

Sarah: Ofc! Meet you down by the docks in 15? xx

J.B: Ok

John B's POV:

It had been ages since we'd last spent some one-on-one time and I was really looking forward to it. I prepared a picnic basket with sandwiches, cheese, crackers, dip and other things I thought would be good for a picnic.


Sarah came in a yellow sundress but she was still looking beautiful, at least, according to John B. She hopped down into the boat and gave him a kiss before sitting down next to him.

They went for a short swim once they reached the sandbank, and afterwards, they sat down on towels as John B grabbed the picnic basket.

Sarah laughed as she looked through what John B had bought, "What in the world would we need five different types of sauce for?" Sarah had tears streaming down her face caused by laughter and John B went bright red. It was obvious he hadn't done this kind of thing before, and that just made Sarah like him that little bit more.

Sarah took John B by the hand and leaned in for a passionate kiss. The young couple spent the rest of the night enjoying each others company and watching the sky as stars began to show up. When the temperature dropped, Sarah huddled in closer to him for warmth and they used a spare towel to cover them.

Timeskip To The Next Day.


The boys went down to the beach for some early morning surfing. The weather was perfect and they all had an excellent time. Once they had finished up and more people began to come out, they all went into John B's van.

"So... Kiara tells me you took Sarah on a little date last night," JJ grinned.

"She told you about that? Um... Yeah. I took her down to that sandbank we went to the other day," John B said almost nervously. He had never really spoken about their relationship with them before.

"So you guys are like, official now?" Pope questioned, to which John B nodded.

John B's POV:

"What about you guys? You been talking to anyone?" I knew it was a stupid question, I just wanted to get the spotlight off of myself. I mean, there really aren't that many people on the island, everyone would know already.

"Well... I kissed Kiara," Pope admitted. This a new one.

"But it only happened once and I doubt it'll happen again. She made it pretty clear that she didn't like me like that and I think she only kissed me out of pity," Pope said solemnly. JJ hid his face by leaning back into the corner of the seats. Something was definitely up there.

"Oh- Um, I'm sorry Pope," I said. He seemed to not be paying any attention though, so instead, I turned around and drove down to Pope's house first to drop him off.

After dropping off Pope, the drive to JJ's house was relatively silent.

"Thanks, mate," JJ said as I stopped at his house.

"Wait- JJ, before you go, I need to ask you something," I began.

"Sure, what is it?"

"When I kissed Kiara, she asked me if I told you about it, and then when Pope spoke about kissing Kiara, you hid your face. Is something going on between you two?"

JJ went red before answering, "Aha, um... I don't think I know what you're talking about. No, nothing is going on between us," He said before hopping out of the van and walking down the overgrown path to his house.

Word Count: 831

OOP- JOHN B KNOWS WHAT IS UP. ALSO, OMG 100 READS! Thank you so much! I'm hoping to update again soon and expect some more Jiara action in the next few chapters <33

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