Chapter 15: Blood and Tears

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{Trigger Warning! I know the whole book is but this chapter goes into detail of rape. Please read with caution}

I stood up just as the door appeared open. My eyes watched as Doctor Candy poked her head through. A concerned look was written all over her face. I tilted my head at her and walked towards her. "What? What is it?" I ask, as she shakes her head and moves out of the way. I look through the door and walk in a bit seeing none other than, "Brittany?"

Brittany turns around and stands up from the table. I glance back to Doctor Candy who stays by the door, pointing to Brittany with her head. I look back to the redhead girl and slowly make my way towards her. She gives me a small smile and that's when I notice the tears in her eyes. "Brittany...Why are there tears in y-your eyes?"

"Y/N, I have to tell you something," Brittany started, then she gestured towards the table. I slowly walked over and sat down. She followed soon after and looked me dead in the eyes. "I'm going to tell you something...And after I do I had permission from Doctor Candy to take you with me."

"Take me where? What's going on?" I ask, searching her teary eyes. Brittany took a deep breath and looked away from me for a moment before finally picking up her head, our eyes locking once again.

"Anna...She's in the hospital..." I stare at the girl confused at her words. But then her words kept repeating over and over and over again in my head. At this point I stood feeling her fingers brush against my hand. I looked down upon her and shook my head from side to side.

"What do you mean she's in the hospital? She was just here," I said, my eyes furious. Brittany nodded her head up and down and stood. She put up her hands like it was self defense.

"She called me telling me she told you what happened that day...And she was crying. Something had happened and I tried to ask her what and why she was crying but before I could I heard her swerve the car and then a loud bang." My jaw dropped and I stumbled backwards. Brittany quickly reached out, grabbing a hold of my arms as I grabbed back at her. I stood frozen, staring at the same spot.

"Is she...Is she..." I couldn't form words. My brain was going a million miles per second at this point. Questions filling my head. Is she okay? Did I cause the crash? Why was Anna crying? Along with the thoughts of everything before. What she had said to me and what I had said back. Our last words to one another. We'll talk more about this tomorrow. I shake my head and look at Brittany's blue eyes. "Is she okay?" Brittany looks back and forth between my own eyes and looks away moments later. "B-Brittany?"

"I-I don't know." I let go of Brittany's arms and stumbled back away from her. She picked up her head and our eyes locked once more. And before anything could be said by her or me I hear Doctor Candy's voice.

"Y/N, remember our breathing exercise. Think of three places, things, people and repeat them over and over again in your head to try and level your breathing," she spoke. I turned my head now realizing my breathes were uneven and it was getting difficult to breathe. I felt Doctor Candy grab my hands and give them a tight but gentle squeeze. I close my eyes and begin to think of three things. Panda, Pen, Red. Panda, Pen, Red. Panda, Pen, Red. I continue to repeat the three things in my head till I finally feel myself coming down once again. And once I do I open up my eyes and meet both Doctor Candy's and Brittany's.

"Okay, Y/N you're going to go with Brittany to the hospital. I'm sending Wolf with you guys because we have to make sure of your safety," Doctor Candy said slowly. I nodded my head slowly...

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